Meet Day Timeline

After arriving at race site:

  • Take gear to site determined to set-up “camp”. “Gear” includes your personal gear, but you should also make every effort to help carry the team gear (tables, benches, flags, coolers, tents, tarps, med-kit, etc)

  • Make every effort to help set up the team gear just described. Look to be helpful, not passive.

  • Find and use the restroom with the team.

  • Find Coach as a team when done with restrooms for any needed instructions.

  • Course Tour

  • Meet at team “camp” to get bibs or tabs to be pinned to you for timing. If you have not been told, ask which starting box we have been assigned.

  • Warm-up...just like at practice. (Led by seniors per normal)

  • Spikes/Racing flats - If you have not already done so, change from your training shoes, to your racing shoes...if you use them.

  • Report to starting line - Usually 5-10 minutes prior to start time.

    • If it’s a colder race, start shedding warm-ups and put them in the designated container.

    • Determine who will stand where in the box based on experience of who starts faster than others.

    • Do 3 -4 strides at a strong and steady pace of about 50 meters or so. Get the body ready! Get the heart rate up!

    • Team huddle. We don’t want to overthink we simply want to do our best from what we know how to do…”Do...or not do. There is no try.” - Yoda. ;)

    • Do 2-3 faster strides of 50 meters as time permits. Shake out legs. Then...Do your thing and race like you mean it!

  • Post Race: After you finish and have had a chance to catch your breath, take the initiative to do a 2 mile cool-down, followed by stretches. Do NOT do this alone. It should be done with the nearest finisher(s) from our team.

    • Cheer for and support the boys team...this might be during your warm-up or cool down depending on if the girls or boys run first.

    • Help take down “camp” and organize our gear if the boys have not already done this.

    • If your parent/ride has not already signed you out, please make sure this happens. (If the sign-out is not with the boy’s sign-out, you have my permission to look the red backpack that I typically have with me at meets. It has my name on it if you aren’t sure which one it is). It also might be with the boys sign-out list. You may do this before the meet starts if you choose.

    • IF YOU MUST LEAVE EARLIER THAN THIS, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IN ADVANCE! At minimum, you should plan on cooling down and stretching with a teammate, and then help take care of the team gear. Please do not leave earlier than this simply because you are anxious to get home.

    • If you are riding the bus, please help load the team gear on the bus, and please help take the gear off the bus and take it to the closet at school upon arrival.