December 2022

Hot off the Press!


New York State Education Department (NYSED) will host a broad spectrum of course offerings, synchronous and asynchronous, during the 2022-2023 school year. The Office of Accountability's Field Support's Professional Learning offerings are focused on providing content that supports schools identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) and Targeted Support Improvement (TSI).

Some offerings include:

  • AccessAbility for All: Equity and Access with Technology (asynchronous)

  • The Automated Classroom (asynchronous)

  • Culturally Responsive Planning: Inclusive Curriculum & Assessment (Register: 12/7 at 3:30pm)

  • Developing Age-Appropriate Social Skills Post COVID with our Early Childhood Students in Grades PreK-2 (Register: 12/8 at 9:30am)

  • Elevating Student voice through Increased Levels of Collaboration with Adults and Peers: Exploring the Student Voice Continuum: Session 4 (Register: 12/15 at 1pm)

  • Don't Worry, Be Happy: Everything's going to be alright for our students (Register: 1/11/23 at 9:30am)

DTSDE School Reviews for TSI schools:

Schedule: In Partnership with:

Van Corlaer January 9 - 11, 2023 Capital Region BOCES reviewers

MPMS January 31 - February 2, 2023 Laura McDaniel

SHS February 27 - March 1, 2023 Sharon Swain


  • Pre-review document review - data review and self reflection inventories

  • Stakeholder meetings (i.e., Leadership, Teachers, Support Staff, Parents, Students)

  • Classroom Observations - goal is all classrooms; must see core classrooms and classes related to the accountability designations

NOTE: This will inform the SCEP plans for 2023-24

The Data Dish:

Look at what the Data Team is doing - publishing monthly disproportionality workbooks for district and schools. Here is one to share:

What is Disproportionality?

It is the overrepresentation or underrepresentation of various student groups in behavior and academic outcomes. It is generally tied to the overrepresentation in behavioral outcomes like suspensions etc. It is also linked to the under-representation of student groups in specialized classrooms, the use and access of resources, and access to intervention systems.

OPA is publishing monthly disproportionality reports on suspensions at district and school-level.

Suggested Read: See the link to "Dismantling Disproportionality" book pictured

Data Requests:

As mentioned in the daily announcements, the Data Team is processing Infinite Campus issues/questions and Data Requests as well as Classlink through Let’s Talk. This allows the Data Team to efficiently monitor requests and ensure timelines are met.

Online Registration:

We have launched Online Registration in collaboration with the Registration Office.

New Data Visualizations:

School Dashboard> Afterschool Programs Enrollment


Coming Soon: We are working with Schoolzilla to update ELA and Math Interims to have additional tiles.


If you would like training or a refresher on topics regarding Infinite Campus please reach out to the Data Team through Let’s Talk-Infinite Campus.

The Transportation Times

Two Transportation updates:

1) We continue to have ongoing meetings with CDTA in regards to expanding our High School transportation. Our long-term goal is to have all of our qualified regular educated students transported by CDTA. CDTA provides service to and from school, and after school events to include weekend travel; and,

2) We have been involved in meetings with a company called Bus Patrol. This company has electronic video equipment that has the ability to give us recorded and live bus feed of onboard events. It's main service is an exterior stop arm camera that can identify vehicles illegally passing a bus while the safety arm and lights are on for the student boarding process. This service would need City and District Leadership approval before moving forward.

More to come...

The Registration Record


When inputting an enrollment for a school to school transfer please be sure the “state exclude” box is unchecked. It automatically checks that box if the last enrollment is open in red.

Thank you!

We are starting to pilot Online registration!! This is being tested now. More to come...

Please, when withdrawing any student with an IEP or 504, send the withdrawal form or email to Michele Zielinski so that she can inactivate them in Frontline.

Registration has been doing so well with our Spanish speaking population with the addition of Bianca Rivera to Registration/Transportation.

Right now our Pre-k slots are full; however, please tell parents to go to our website for Central Registration and click on Pre-K registration and then complete the online application


Staff: If you have a Professional Teaching Certificate, please be sure to print all CTLE certificates for events that occur during your five year window for re-certification.

Contact Theresa Shanahan at with questions.

The Home SCHOOL/Instruction review

Home School/Instruction continues to grow! If you have interested families looking for information, please provide them with the following:

Questions regarding home instruction should be directed to Connie Miller at 518-464-3982 and/or

When submitting home school/instruction documents, please be sure to include the following information:

  • Student's Name

  • DOB

  • Grade Level

  • Parent/Guardian's Names(s)

  • District: SCSD

Documents may be submitted via email to or hard copies mailed to the address below:

Attn: Connie Miller

Capital Region BOCES

900 Watervliet Shaker Road

Albany, NY 12205

the grants gazette

All CSI and TSI schools have access to their SCEP budgets for 22-23.

Additionally, ALL schools have designated dollars within the Consolidated Application for Title Funding that is open and available. Each building Principal will receive an email from OPA about this funding availability - in supplies and might be a best source for Participatory Budget items for 22-23.

Please contact Tracy Angelini at if you have any questions.


Each school year, all Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) schools must implement a Participatory Budgeting process or select from an approved list of alternatives to Participatory Budgeting designed to increase student and family participation in decision making.

Participatory Budgeting

Participatory Budgeting (PB) is a process that allows community members to decide together how to spend part of a public budget. The process is intended to strengthen public input and deepen public engagement in the civic organizations designed to service the public. Often decision-making rests in the hands of leaders identified to represent their constituencies. The PB model supports direct democracy, allowing parents and students to vote for the projects to be funded.

PB allows schools to engage students, parents, teachers, and community members in choosing a school program or improvement to fund. The process builds understanding of stakeholder perspectives, directs funds to pressing needs and innovative ideas, and helps students and other community members learn democracy and active citizenship.

How Participatory Budgeting Works in Schools- PB often follows a defined model that consists of multiple stages:

1. First, the school identifies the amount of money to be set aside for PB. CSI schools have available funding in their SCEP budgets and/or Title I Funding (depending on what is being purchased).

2. Next, parents, students, and teachers brainstorm ideas and develop proposals on how they money may be spent to improve the school.

3. Then, a Steering Committee reviews the proposals and identifies the final proposals that will appear on the school ballot.

4. Finally, the student body and the parents of the school vote on the proposals. The proposal(s) with the most votes are funded.

Approved Alternatives

CSI schools have the opportunity to implement any of the approved alternatives to Participatory Budgeting. The alternatives build on essential components of Participatory Budgeting: expanding stakeholder voice, providing opportunities to practice democracy, and promoting civic engagement. A current list of approved alternatives can be found here: Approved Alternatives for Participatory Budgeting

Start the process (if you have not already) TODAY!

Please contact Tracy Angelini at if you have any questions.

our crew

The Crew


Dr. Shaun Mason - Assistant Superintendent of OPA (X36979)

TBD - Director of Planning & Accountability

Tracy Angelini - Assistant Director of Grants and Title Funding (X36917)

Natalie Cable - Manager of Data and Information (X36972)

Hector Gallardo - Senior Data Analyst (X36973)

Smita Iyengar - Data Analyst (X36919)

Jaspreet Kaur - Assistant Manager of Data (X36926)

Natasha Bangaroo- Assistant Manager of Data (X36937)

TBD - Data Team Secretary

Al Valachovic - Transportation Supervisor (X36911)

Nicole Stabinski - Transportation Assistant (X36912)

Alyssa Smith - Transportation Assistant (X36940)

Teri Shanahan - Accountability Specialist (X36942)

Katy Vacca - Registrar/Principle Clerk (X36928)

Aimee Demarest - Registration Secretary (X36727)

Kurt Siegel - Secretary (X36979)

Bianca Rivera - Secretary (Reg/Trans) (X36729)