
Advisory Curriculum

Since the 2021-22 school year, Osseo Senior High School has utilized five main platforms in its curriculum for advisory. These platforms allow students to complete activities throughout high school that assist with the transition from middle school to high school and plan for life after high school. 

In today's global economy, students must be well-prepared for the demands of after high school training/education and the workplace.

Advisory and Themes

Advisory is a school-wide program required of all students at Osseo Senior High School which focuses on helping students be successful in high school and plan for the future.  Advisory groups will consist of one faculty advisor and a group of students of the same grade level.

In advisory, students will learn how to be successful learners, plan their high school coursework, explore career and college options, and have a chance to build meaningful relationships with one another and their faculty advisor. Administrative business related to academics (such as credit checks, registration, and student handbook review) will be conducted in advisory along with career development activities.

OSH students and advisors will meet as advisory groups weekly (typically on Wednesdays; B Schedule days).  Students will receive a grade of P or I in advisory and are required to pass all trimesters of advisory in order to participate in the graduation ceremony.  Students are expected to attend all advisory periods and complete all required activities by the end of each trimester.  Missed required activities can be accessed through the CRC Schoology Group and/or the student's Personal Learning Plan (group access code: 9RPSH-P5SM6). 

Advisory Portfolio

All student advisory materials (PLP, Credit Check document) are housed in the student's Schoology account as a portfolio. 

Information on creating, accessing and editing Schoology Portfolios can be found in this slideshow.

OSH Advisory PLP Overview and Information

Advisory Make-Up (to clear Incompletes from previous trimesters)

If you’ve received an Incomplete in Advisory for any trimester, you will need to make arrangements to clear the Incomplete(s) to participate in the graduation ceremony. Click on the button for the grade level you have an incomplete and complete the activities listed for that trimester. You must be able to show evidence of completion of all items on the list. You can submit the work to your Advisory teacher or counselor or the CRC.

Minnesota Legislation, Minn. Stat. 120B.125 and Advisory

Minnesota legislation requires all students (no later than 9th grade) to have a Personal Learning Plan (PLP). The plan elements are listed below. Osseo Senior High is committed to providing these elements to all students through our advisory curriculum.

In addition to Minn. Stat. 120B.125, the World’s Best Workforce bill was passed in 2013 to ensure every school district in the state is making strides to increase student performance. Each district must develop a plan that addresses the following five goals:

Osseo Senior High is committed to addressing these goals to ensure that all students graduate with the confidence, courage and competence to achieve their dreams, contribute to community and engage in a lifetime of learning through the use of our advisory program.