Chapter Leadership

Sahiti Atluri

Central East Area President

I am the Area President of the Central East area and my responsibilities include planning and hosting the fall conference, making sure that everyone in my area feels like their ideas are being heard, and helping my chapter run smoothly. A highlight of my FCCLA service is when we do drives for different items at my school or the Fall Conference, and I can see how much people are willing to donate to help their community. A big part of my role in FCCLA is making sure that it feels like a community, and that we are truly doing everything we can to make it a better place. I hope to take the skills that I have learned in FCCLA to college and apply them in my career of being a neuropsychiatrist.

Avani Marahatta

Central East Area Secretary

My job as an Area Secretary is to take notes during our area meetings, be a leader in our Eastview chapter to promote FCCLA in our school and area, and help plan out the Fall Rally. I've been involved in FCCLA for 3 years. I enjoy participating in Feed My Starving Children and attending the State and National Leadership conferences. I have competed in Chapter Service Portfolio, Sustainability Challenge, Chapter Website, and Public Policy Advocate. My career goals consist of becoming a nurse or physician assistant.

Himani Mondal

Eastview High School Chapter President & MN Peer Educator

My roles are Eastview FCCLA Chapter President and MN FCCLA Peer Educator. As Chapter President, I have to work with the Leadership Council and my advisor to plan and coordinate meetings for our Chapter, organize events, and assist in our Chapter wherever needed. I help represent our Chapter in our school and help promote FCCLA. As a MN FCCLA Peer Educator, I have to promote and educate members and potential members about FCCLA by leading sessions/trainings within MN FCCLA and State Conference. I have been a member of FCCLA for the past three years, and I have been on the Eastview Leadership Council for the past two years. My favorite events to participate in through our Chapter are volunteering at the MN Children's Museum and Feed My Starving Children and attending Nationals with our Chapter. I love competing in STAR Events, and I have competed in a total of five STAR Events which include Teach and Train, Instructional Video Design, FCCLA Chapter Website, Leadership, and Red Talks on Education. My career goals consist of going into the education field and helping others.

Norah Brusco

Eastview High School Chapter Vice President

I am our Chapter Vice President. My roles include helping run monthly meetings, recruiting new members, and putting new activities into action. I've been involved in FCCLA for three years. During those years, my service highlight has been collecting thousands of plastic bags and recycling them. I have also competed in numerous STAR events including Sustainability Challenge, Chapter Service Portfolio, and Public Policy. I hope to take the skills FCCLA has taught me and use them in a STEM-related career.

Avery Losie

Eastview High School Chapter Secretary & Treasurer

My name is Avery Losie and I'm our Chapter's Treasurer & Secretary! I've been involved with FCCLA for two years, and my favorite part of FCCLA is seeing our school community come together to do good for others. My roles are to help lead meetings, publicize, and plan ways to better our Chapter! I look forward to using my skills from FCCLA in college and beyond!

Kaajal Bahl

Eastview High School Chapter Public Relations Officer

I am the Public Relations Officer. I help run the EVHS FCCLA Instagram page as well as try my hardest to recruit as many members as possible. Being part of FCCLA has been a game-changer for my leadership journey. The camaraderie and collaborative spirit within the group have developed my teamwork and communication skills. Whether it's coordinating events or working on projects together, FCCLA has provided a platform to develop my leadership roles. The highlight of my FCCLA career has to be the monthly Feed My Starving Children initiative – it's my absolute favorite. It's not just about packing meals, it's about making a real impact and giving back to the community. The sense of fulfillment and purpose I get from contributing to such a meaningful cause is indescribable. FCCLA has not only shaped my leadership skills but has also allowed me to channel that leadership into making a positive difference in the world.

Evelyn Clark

Eastview High School Chapter Historian

I am the Chapter Historian and my responsibilities include documenting events, getting more involvement for our Chapter and coordinating events. A highlight of my FCCLA service is going to volunteer at the Children's Museum. I love doing this because we get to reach out to the community in a personal way. Being part of FCCLA means you get to help your community and build leadership skills. I hope to apply these attributes in college and hopefully later in my career of biomedical engineering.

Naomi Cook

Eastview High School Chapter FCCLA Week Coordinator

I am the FCCLA Week Coordinator and my main responsibility is to plan our Chapter's FCCLA week, promote our events and encourage new members to join and attend what they can. This is my second year in FCCLA and a highlight of my FCCLA service has been planning fun events and having my friends join. Watching everyone do their STAR events and competing at Nationals last year has also been a fun highlight. 

Reya Rejul

Eastview High School Chapter STAR Event Coordinator

As the Star Event Coordinator of my FCCLA Chapter, I am responsible for organizing and managing various events that showcase the talents and skills of our members. From brainstorming ideas to coordinating logistics, my job requires meticulous planning and effective communication. Through this role, I have not only honed my leadership abilities but also fostered a sense of unity within our chapter. By providing opportunities for growth and recognition, I strive to empower each member to shine brightly in their chosen field.

Mekdelawit Tesfaye

Eastview High School Chapter Fundraising Coordinator

My name is Mekdelawit Tesfaye, and I am the Fundraising Coordinator of the Eastview Chapter. My job is to organize and figure out different fundraisers, especially for Nationals, as well as funds to help better our Chapter overall. A highlight of my FCCLA service is being able to help my community in a way I have never been able to do before. An example of this is the 5K Warrior Memorial run where we were able to support people in our community for a great cause. A second highlight of my FCCLA service is the STAR Events. Even though they might be stressful in the beginning, I am proud of them when they are finished because I can see how far my partner and I have come. The final highlight is being able to be on LC because it is filled with great people who make it enjoyable to be a part of. As for STAR Events, I have done Food Innovations and am currently doing Fashion Design and Promote and Publicize. My career goal in the future is to possibly become a pediatrician because it has always been a dream of mine to work with children.

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