AVHS Driver Education
Hello and welcome to the Apple Valley High School Driver Education website. This site provides general information about the Driver Education classroom curriculum, the process of getting a permit/license, provisional license laws, the behind the wheel process, and everything in between. Use the tabs above to find what you are looking for or if you still have questions, feel free to email Mr. Scanlon at Christopher.Scanlon@District196.org.
Every aspect of the information shared on this site is discussed during class in great detail (and repeated often) (and repeated often) and it should be the student's responsibility to explain the process to their parents, not the other way around. This is the first 'adult' task most students take on and they should treat it as such; driving is a privilege and tremendous responsibility and it must be respected. Parents should discuss the importance of this with their son or daughter as driving responsibly may save their life some day.