Ruben Quesada

Ruben Quesada

Poetry Elective Faculty

Ruben Quesada’s writing appears in Best American Poetry, Harvard Review, New York Times Magazine, American Poetry Review, Pleiades, and Ploughshares. He has served as poetry editor for AGNI, PANK, Pleiades, and as a poetry blogger for The Kenyon Review and Ploughshares. He is a Contributing Editor at Tab Journal at Chapman University.

He is editor of a hybrid collection of essays, Latinx Poetics: Essays on the Art of Poetry, collecting more than two dozen Hispanic and Portuguese poets. These essays explore the personal and academic practice of writing. He is the author of Revelations and Next Extinct Mammal: Poems. He has served as a coordinator for PEN America’s literary awards committee and the Publishing Triangle Awards.

Prior to joining Antioch, Ruben held teaching positions at Vermont College of Fine Arts, Northwestern University, and School of the Art Institute, among other institutions.