Wendy Call

Wendy Call


Wendy Call (she/her) is co-editor of Telling True Stories: A Nonfiction Writers’ Guide (Penguin, 2007) and the forthcoming Best Literary Translations (Deep Vellum, 2024) and author of the award-winning nonfiction book No Word for Welcome (Nebraska, 2011). She is also translator of two collections of poetry by Mexican-Zapotec poet Irma Pineda: In the Belly of Night and Other Poems (Pluralia/Eulalia, 2022) and Nostalgia Doesn’t Flow Away Like Riverwater (Deep Vellum, 2023) and has published more than 100 English translations of Pineda’s poems in literary journals, including Chicago Review, Modern Poetry in Translation, Poetry, and World Literature Today. Together with Pineda, she won the 2022 John Frederick Nims Prize in Translation from the Poetry Foundation. Wendy’s literary projects have been supported by Artist Trust, the Fulbright Commission, and the National Endowment for the Arts. She serves on the creative nonfiction faculty of the Rainier Writing Workshop MFA program and will be the Fall 2023 Distinguished Writer in Residence at Cornell College and Translator in Residence at the University of Iowa. She lives in Southeast Seattle, on Duwamish land, and in Oaxaca, Mexico, on Mixtec and Zapotec land.