Lorinda Toleda

Lorinda Toledo

she / herCritical Paper / Annotations Workshop
Lorinda Toledo (critical paper seminar guest) is a writer, editor, and educator born and raised in New Mexico, while Los Angeles has been her home for more than a decade. Her novel was named first runner-up for the 2019 James Jones First Novel Fellowship, and she is currently revising the manuscript with her agent. Her stories have been published in the Mississippi Review, The Normal School, and elsewhere. She earned a PhD in literature and creative writing from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where she was a Barrick Graduate Fellow and a Black Mountain Institute PhD Fellow; she holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University Los Angeles (Scirocco cohort). She has been an editor at literary journals Witness and Lunch Ticket. She currently teaches at Otis College of Art and Design, where she also leads academic support through the Student Learning Center. Learn more at lorindatoledo.com.