Anita Felicelli

Anita FelicelliCritic

Anita Felicelli is the author of Chimerica: A Novel and the award-winning short story collection Love Songs for a Lost Continent.

Her short stories have appeared in The Massachusetts Review, Alta Journal, Midnight Breakfast, Air/Light, The Normal School, and elsewhere. She has contributed essays and criticism to the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, Slate, the San Francisco Chronicle and Los Angeles Review of Books, and the New York Times (Modern Love), among other places. Her short stories and poems have been anthologized and in 2023, one of her short stories was performed as part of Symphony Space’s Selected Shorts.

Anita is on the Board of the National Book Critics Circle. She served as VP of Fundraising for 2021 and returned to the role in 2023, and she was the Fiction Award Committee Chair for 2022-2023. She edits Alta Journal‘s California Book Club.

Anita  grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she lives with her family. Her literary agent is Melissa Danaczko. You can subscribe to Anita’s occasional newsletters here: