Hafizah Augustus Geter

The Space Between

Thursday, June 22, 2023 3:30 to 5:00 p.m.

Hafizah Augustus Geter

How much can a single piece of writing/book hold? How do we move from point A to K to Z? How do we draw connections between seemingly disparate topics? Can writing move between ideas as fluidly as our minds? Can nonfiction recreate poetry’s line breaks? In this craft talk, Hafizah Augstus Geter will discuss nonfiction writing as the ultimate hybrid form, able to hold the personal, cultural, and political within it. Students will practice building bridges between their ideas—how many bridges? When do we leave gaps and trust that the reader can build their own bridges to cross it? Students should come with ideas of topics they’re curious to connect in a single piece/body of work. It will be a collaborative discussion with conversation and Q&A throughout. 

Required Reading (in Reader):

Geter, Hafizah Augustus. “The Way Light Holds the Blues.” The Black Period: On Personhood, Race, and Origin, Random House, 2022, pp. 165-185.

Hampl, Patricia. “Red Sky in the Morning.” The New York Times, 1999.

Available online at: 


Wall Kimmerer, Robin. “Skywoman Falling” & “The Council of Pecans.” Braiding Sweetgrass: Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge, and the Teachings of Plants, Milkweed Editions, 2015, pp. 1-20.

3. Geter, Hafizah Augustus "the way the light holds the blues" - Hafizah Augustus Geter.pdf
1. Hampl, Patricia "Red Sky" - Hafizah Augustus Geter.pdf
2. Kimmerer, Robin Wall "Skywoman" & "Pecans" - Hafizah Augustus Geter.pdf