Lise Quintana

Lise QuintanaWriters-at-Work

Lise Quintana is the inventor of Lithomobilus, an ereader platform for nonlinear literature, whose genesis came from her MFA work at Antioch. She was an editorial assistant on the first issue of Lunch Ticket, and editor in chief for the next four issues (2012-2013). In addition to her short story writing, which has appeared in SLAB, The Rambler, Willow Review, Instant Magazine, Children Churches and Daddies, and various online journals, she hosts the podcast 4LPH4NUM3R1C. She has been on the boards of NaNoWriMo, Bay Area Book Festival, and Antioch University. She currently heads Zoetic Press and its award-winning journal NonBinary Review, which is in its eighth year of publication and serves as both a voice in the international literary scene and a training ground for aspiring editors.