David Robertson

David A. RobertsonYoung People

David A. Robertson is a two-time winner of the Governor General’s Literary Award, the 2021 Canadian Children’s Author of the Year (The Globe and Mail), and winner of the Writers’ Union of Canada Freedom to Read Award. He is the author of the memoir Black Water (HarperCollins Canada), which won the Alexander Kennedy Isbister Award for Non-Fiction and the Carol Shields Winnipeg Book Award, and numerous #1 bestselling books for young readers, including The Misewa Saga (Penguin Random House Canada), a middle grade fantasy series which began with The Barren Grounds, as well as the picture books On The Trapline and When We Were Alone. He is the writer and host of the award-winning podcast Kīwēw, a sought after speaker, and a beloved guest at literary festivals as well as on radio and television programs. The Theory of Crows is his first novel for adults. Robertson is a member of Norway House Cree Nation and currently lives in Winnipeg. You can find him online at www.darobertson.ca, and on Twitter.