Dan Bellm

Dan Bellm

Poetry & Translation

Dan Bellm is a poet and translator living in Berkeley, California. His translations of poetry and fiction from Spanish and French include Speaking in Song by Mexican poet Pura López Colomé (Shearsman Books, 2017); two works by Mexican poet Jorge Esquinca, Description of a Flash of Cobalt Blue (Unicorn Press, 2015) and Nostalghia (Mexico City: La Diéresis, 2015); several works by French poet Pierre Reverdy, including The Song of the Dead (Black Square Editions, 2016) and Sun on the Ceiling (American Poetry Review, 2009); The Legend of the Wandering King, a young adult novel by Laura Gallego García (Scholastic, 2005); and Angel’s Kite by Alberto Blanco (Children’s Book Press, 1994).

He has published four books of poetry: Deep Well (Lavender Ink/Diálogos, 2017); Practice (Sixteen Rivers Press), winner of a 2009 California Book Award and named one of the top ten poetry books of 2008 by the Virginia Quarterly Review; Buried Treasure (1999), winner of the Poetry Society of America’s Alice Fay DiCastagnola Award and the Cleveland State University Poetry Center Prize; and One Hand on the Wheel (Roundhouse Press, 1999). His poems have appeared in such journals and anthologies as Poetry, Ploughshares, Tin House, The Threepenny Review, Best American Spiritual Writing, and Word of Mouth: An Anthology of Gay American Writing, and The Ecopoetry Anthology. He has been awarded residencies at Yaddo and Dorset Colony House, an Artist’s Fellowship in Literature from the California Arts Council, and a Literature Fellowship in Translation from the National Endowment for the Arts. www.danbellm.com