Neelanjana Banerjee

Neelanjana Banerjee


Neelanjana Banerjee is the Managing Editor of Kaya Press, an independent publishing house dedicated to Asian Pacific American and Asian diasporic literature. She is the co-editor of the anthologies Indivisible: An Anthology of Contemporary South Asian American Poetry (University of Arkansas Press) and The Coiled Serpent: Poets Arising From the Cultural Quakes and Shifts of Los Angeles (Tia Chucha Press). Her poetry, fiction, essays, and journalism have appeared widely in places like Prairie Schooner, The Texas Observer, Harper's Bazaar, Teen Vogue, MUTHA Magazine, World Literature Today and more. She teaches Asian American Literature, Creative Writing and Publishing in the Asian American Studies Departments of UCLA and Loyola Marymount University. She lives in Los Angeles with her family, and is at work on a novel.Â