Post-MFA Panel

Delivering Today's Creative Writing Pedagogy: The Post-MFA Certificate in Teaching Panel 

Sunday, December 10, 2023, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Michaela Emerson, Noah Lemelson, hosted by Joshua Roark

This hour-long panel will examine pedagogy through the lens of the Post-MFA Certificate teaching experience. The panelists will consist of Post-MFA faculty, Joshua Roark, as well as the graduating students of the program, Michaela Emerson and Noah Lemelson. The work of creative writing instruction is arguably in a transitional moment—with social justice challenging traditional methods, virtual workshops proliferating in the wake of the pandemic, community organizations and residencies providing more opportunities to teach and learn than ever before. Antioch’s Post-MFA Certificate program in the Teaching of Creative Writing strives to make space to engage with all aspects of what it means to be a working and socially impactful creative writing teacher. This panel is the capstone conversation by which its students can synthesize their experience in the program and share it with the MFA community.

Required Reading (in Reader):

Bain, Ken. “What Makes Great Teachers Great?” The Chronicle of Higher Education, vol.50, no. 31, 9 Apr. 2004, pp.1-6.

Chavez, Felicia Rose. “‘But I Will Write Anyway.’ Teaching the Anti-Racist Writing Workshop.” Interview with Helen Betya Rubinstein. Literary Hub, 28. Jan. 2021.

Available online at: 

Bain - 2004 - What makes great teachers great - Josh Roark.pdf
‘But I Will Write Anyway.’ Teaching the...Racist Writing Workshop ‹ Literary Hub - Josh Roark.pdf