Code of Conduct

Antioch MFA Program 

December 2023 Residency Code of Conduct

Welcome to Antioch’s December 2023 Residency! Antioch’s MFA Program, with our social justice mission, values the diversity of views, expertise, opinions, backgrounds, and experiences reflected among all faculty, guests, staff, and students. We expect our December 2023 Residency to be a respectful, harassment-free environment for all people regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, physical ability, nationality, age, socioeconomic status, immigration status, and belief. 

In addition, Antioch’s Residency social spaces (in-person and virtual) are meant to be positive shared spaces, rather than a place to gossip or speak negatively about other community members. Since social spaces will be unmonitored by Antioch staff or faculty, please follow the Code of Conduct guidelines below.

The chat function will be open on Zoom during seminars and other events and we encourage you to participate. Please treat the chat function as you would a classroom setting and please be respectful in terms of what you write, as well as please remember to make space for others.

Guidelines for Conduct:

Inappropriate Conduct Includes:

Consequences of Inappropriate Conduct: 

Participants in the Residency have the right to ask a person or people to stop any inappropriate behavior. If the inappropriate behavior is not halted, then participants may report the behavior immediately to MFA faculty and staff. Reporters of inappropriate conduct will not be retaliated against or penalized. Key contact information is below:

Lisa Locascio Nighthawk, Program Chair: 

Alistair McCartney, Teaching Faculty:

Colette Freedman, Dramatic Writing Officer:

Natalie Truhan, Program Coordinator:

Colleen Bradley, Program Coordinator:

Daisy Salas, Program Coordinator: 

Jessica Calderon, Program Assistant:

Tuul Gantogtokh, Program Assistant: