Jennifer Bartlett

Jennifer BartlettZoeglossiaCo-Founder

Jennifer Bartlett was born in the San Francisco Bay Area and educated at the University of New Mexico, Vermont College and Brooklyn College. She is the author of Derivative of the Moving Image (UNM Press, 2007), (a) lullaby without any music (Chax Press, 2012) and Autobiography/Anti-Autobiography (theenk Books, 2014). She also co-edited, with Sheila Black and Michael Northen, Beauty is a Verb: The New Poetry of Disability. Bartlett has received fellowships from the New York Foundation for the Arts, Fund for Poetry and the Dodd Research Center at the University of Connecticut. She is currently writing a full-length biography of Larry Eigner and recently had a residency at the Gloucester Writers Center. Bartlett has given lectures on poetry and disability at Hamilton College, Brown University, CUNY Hunter and School for the Visual Arts.