Raquel Gutiérrez

Raquel Gutiérrez

Creative Nonfiction 

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Raquel Gutiérrez is a critic, essayist, poet, performer, and educator. Raquel's first book Brown Neon (Coffee House Press) was named as one of the best books of 2022 by The New Yorker and listed in The Best Art Books of 2022 by Hyperallergic. They have a poetry manuscript under contract with Noemi Press and work on a range of topics that have continued to inform their writing and teaching, including critical race theory, Queer and Latinx aesthetics and performance art in the Americas. Raquel has recently published in Places Journal, Los Angeles Review of Books, Art in America, and The Georgia Review. Prior to joining Antioch, Raquel has taught in the OSU Cascades Low Residency MFA Program, Temple University, UC Riverside, and the University of Arizona. They currently mentor at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe, NM and University of Nevada Reno in their Interdisciplinary Arts Low Residency MFA program. Raquel lives in Tucson with their spouse and their dog, Lalo.