Face Masks & Social Distancing

Face Masks on Campus

To safeguard one’s own health and that of others, face masks are highly recommended indoors. There may be certain classes, spaces, and events where masks are required. Faculty and staff are authorized to require mask-wearing in their classrooms or offices at any time. Failure to comply with such a requirement may be considered a conduct violation. Anyone wishing to wear a mask at any time may do so and must not be induced to remove it for any reason.

The mask recommendation may change back to a requirement at any time. All members of the AULA community are expected to adhere to the most current protocols. To stay informed, please pay attention to all signage, email notifications, and updates to this Google Site.

Social Distancing Expectations

In order to create a safe university environment, all members of the Antioch community are encouraged to maintain social distance wherever circumstances and space allow. This applies to classrooms, offices, and any public spaces in the building.