Building Safety Measures

General Building Information

The landlord of 400 Corporate Pointe shall comply with all local and federal guidance. The landlord is not required to deny entry to the building or otherwise adopt AULA’s protocols and policies, which may exceed minimum standards as required by the local health department. Doors leading to the university will have signage recommending face masks within the campus space. We shall also use signage to inform anyone entering Antioch premises of these expectations as they enter the second and fourth floors. 


High-visibility signage will be posted throughout the premises to highlight the mask recommendation, to encourage hand washing and distancing, to direct traffic, and to set occupancy limits, where needed.

Plexiglass Barriers

Plexiglass shields are in place at many services desks and reception areas on campus to help prevent the transmission of disease.

Hand Sanitizing

Hand sanitizing stations are stocked and available at various locations throughout the AULA campus.

Cleaning & Sanitizing

All classrooms are cleaned and all high-touch points in rooms are disinfected nightly. Antioch staff also wipe down areas as needed. In addition, each classroom has a dispenser of cleaning cloths for individuals to self-clean. Cleaning cloths are available in study areas and office suites as well.

HVAC & Air Purification

The building has taken measures to improve indoor air quality and to comply with CDC guidance. These measures include 1. Maximizing the amount of outside air added to the ventilation system, 2. Upgrading the filters in the system to a MERV 13 standard (which is recommended by the CDC), and 3. Performing regular service and maintenance, including regular filter changes. AULA has also installed air filtration units in many of the commonly-used classrooms for an added layer of protection.