World Studies

why is it important to study the world 

It is important to study the world for many reasons. one of those reasons is to learn about our worlds history. We need to learn about our mistakes in the past so we can learn and grow from them. We also need to learn about the world so we can see things from others points of view whether that is a different community opinion or even religion.

mental map 

here is a photo and explanation of how I get to school made by Cody.

Reflection Questions:

1. What do you know now that you didn't before you started this project?

Some people in this class take a similar route that I do. 

2. What advice do you have to someone else who is creating a mental map and writing a narrative about it?

Google Earth is very helpful. 

3. What would you add to your map or narrative that you didn't have time for?

I would add more details and put more effort into the drawings. 

4. What proof do you have that you met our learning targets? 

LT #1: (I can demonstrate how relative location of geographic sites and landmarks from my house to my school construct a unique a travel narrative and mental map)  i have a detailed map showing how i get to my house

LT #2: (I can use descriptive language and details to make my writing interesting)  i used dcriptive words to wright my artist statement

mental map

this is my artist statement from my mental map.

Identity Flag Artist Statement

By: Cody

In World Studies we had to create a flag representing our identity. We did this assignment to help express ourselves. We each created a flag that represents our identity and the stories we have to tell. Flags represent someone or something and they bring together communities, or tear them apart depending on what they stand for. 

For my design I thought about my identity and what my family is like and I added those into my flag. The purple outline is because I like photography and this reminds me of the outline on a Polaroid photo. The red line is to represent a story… In Sand point Idaho there is a big red chair. My family cabin is in Sand point and I have hundreds of photos of me sitting in that big red chair. The red represents that chair, my cabin, and time with my family spent in Sand point Idaho. The purple curved lines are to represent my childhood. When I was a young child my family had a huge garden that was full of onions. When I was really small I would go out to the garden and eat the raw onions like candy. For some reason they were so delicious to me. The brown squiggly dot is representing me and my friend's favorite animal which is a grizzly bear. The yellow tree is meant to represent my love of nature and all things outdoors. This flag represents me and my personality. 

1.List 5 aspects of your identity represented in your flag: 

Sand Point where my family vacations every year, my love of nature and bears, and memories from my childhood.

2. What was the most challenging component of this assignment?

Cutting out the tree accurately. 

3. What would you add if you had more time?

If I had more time I would put more effort into the tree. 

4. How did this assignment help you learn more about your own identity?

It was easy to symbolize things that represent me and my identity. 

information reports 

1. How did you utilize independent work time during class to complete your report?   i constantly worked hard and used my time wisely to ensure that  i had a high quality info graphic that was my best work.           

2. High Quality Work is a pillar of  academic success at Anser. How does your report show your knowledge of your topic and high quality work?

i have several links to the website i got my information off of and it has all the required work and high quality paragraphs that are my best.              

3. What would you add if you had more time? i would have worked more on my wording the way I said hings in my paragraphs and try and use bigger words an make it a little less wordy. 

4. What would you tell yourself at the beginning of this project to ensure success during presentation time? i could tell myself to make sure i was on task and work everyday so i could get a good grade on this report.

tea boxes

today we deigned our own tea blend and painted and coloerd a tea box to go along with our tea 1. Write about one over all idea you learned about tea:  i learned mutch about the making of tea and the culture and many many rituals behind it 

2. What are you most proud of about your tea box? Creativity? Craftsmanship? Your witty title? Your tea recipe?  i am very proud of the painting style and colors on my tea box

3. What would you do if you had more time? i would have added some backround behind the plain white wrighting on my box  

Final Project 

for my final project i am making mint tea and making a slide show showing what i have learned this semester in world studies at my celebration of learning I will make tea for everyone to try and show off my tri fold with all the information

world leader

here is the link to my world leader slides on joan of ark