design a project

purpose and motivation 

the initial purpose of this project is to learn how to manage my own small business and be an entrepreneur. i chose this project because i believed it would be fun to learn how to use the drill press and the lathe i also thought it would be fun to learn wood working and have my own small business. my understanding of this project   evolved as i moved further and further into my project i learned many things from managing my own small business and i saw how owing and managing our owl small business could help you s you move through school and show you how many  things are when you become an adult and get your own job out in the world not in school.

planning and execution 

my planning process was fairly easy  had what i needed to do laid out day by day and each ring i made had its own step by step process i followed. the only movement i had from my original plan was the money i got from my loan. i had originally asked for seventy five dollars and i ended up getting fifty. i had though things would cost ore than they did i did not even end up using all of the fifty dollars i didn't even use half of it. 


yes i did achieve the goals i set for my self i was able to figure out and learn all of the skills i wanted to be able to have. i learned how to use the lathe with may not help me in every job in the world but in some ways it can be a valuable tool to have. i also learned some wood working with is one of my hobbies and now i have learned some new skills. i feel like this project has impacted me because many of the woodworking skills i learned i can put towards my hobbies and  things i want to do in life. 

problem solving and resilience 

a significant problem i had with my rings was them braking when i drilled a hole in them on the drill press, the way i solved this problem was getting a harder type of wood such as cherry this  was the wood u began to use for all my rings. one moment when things did not go as planned was when i was cutting wood on the large saw outside a sarge pice of wood splinters  off the dowel and shot off towards the garage door luckily the door was shut and no one was hurt but i realized this ha pend because my wood was not clamped down correctly and i was able to quickly fix it . a time in my project i felt like giving up was when i had several backed up ring orders and i had run out of wood  but i had already been paid for the rings so i had to persevere and i was able to get all the rings done and delivered. working through set backs and difficulties in my protect helped my develop more problem solving skills and more patience sills. 

Reflection  and growth 

the most valuable skills i have learned is to be more careful around power tools and i am very glad i learned some more wood working skills. this project will influence how i approach future changes because i have learned more problem solving skills and i have learned more patience. i was able to very effectively document my progress for my wood ring business even though i am lacking some photos for my portfolio of the rings.