
In this photo we practiced the seven elements of art one on each day of the week on each day we practiced another style color texture shapes etc. Anne just told us the style we would be using and we would just draw whatever we thought would work for example when we did texture i drew a spool of twine and i tried to capture the way all the little strings fray from the initial strand and i tried so be able to show the shape without making the srting have to many sharp corners.     

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           In this photo we used the styled we learned and applied our shading skills from previous art progets to make an amazing final peace my insparation was a model of a superher0 i found online and i took my own spin on the colors poweres and face the onlything i took from th eoriginal template was the initial body shape

colllage 1                                                                                                         collage 2

in this collage i added things that are im portant to me bugs i just like ive allways liked the muppet movies and other funny things i w as able to find in the natinoal geographic magazines that were hoarded  in the art room.

in this collage i incorperated things that  i like like a book cove cover because i love books or dogs because i love dogs and any thing elese i liked or thought was funny