Spa Products

Purpose: The purpose of the Spa Products Project is to understand how pricing and branding affect a products marketability.

Wild River Chapstick

Ride the Wave, Don't Dodge it.

I think the people who would be interested in this would identify as independent and strong willed. The name and the logos are supposed to remind people of uncontrollable, wild and untamed.

Striking Lips

This is for people who would identify as independent and quick tempered. The name and logos help with that by the snake being a symbol of independence and coolness, and the name, as well as being a compliment, also means striking, as in striking at prey.

In the Tropics

This is for people who would identify as happy and optimistic. The logo helps with this by being bright colored and since the tropics are thought to be sunny, that also helps.

This is the lable our group decided on.

It's kinda blurry in this picture, but this is our lable!

This is my lip balm without the lable.

After we poured the chap-stick into the containers we let it cool. This is it without the lable.

This is us cleaning out our measuring tools

Since no lip balm could go down the sink we had to wipe up the lip balm with paper towels.

This is the final result!

This is what we ended up with!


Instead of writing "Keep the sand and the sea off your lips" we wrote "Keep the sand and the sea of your lips"

This is how we found out how much it costs to make lip balm

Copy of Business Plan Template

Spa Products Reflection

What did you learn?

I learned how to make lip balm

Advice to future students

What else would you like to do but didn't have time for

What proof do you have that you learned this projects purpose?

I learned how different advertising and pricing will affect your customers.