
Purpose: The purpose of the arcade project is to learn to connect the digital world to the real world through programming and wood working

Journal entry #1

Today I finished my first skill map on MakeCode Arcade.  I learned how to make a shark  eat as many clown-fish as possible in 20 seconds. The skillmap helped me complete this game.

Journal entry #2

Today we measured  an arcade game and helped make a cut map. The cut map will help us when we create our own arcade game.

Journal entry #3

Today I got some feedback from a friend. The feedback helped me make my game better! I created some effects to make it more interesting

Journal entry #4

Today we help measure  a piece that we are going to use for the arcade game. In this picture we are drawing a line so we knew where to cut

Journal entry #5

Today I finished three tutorials called Pizza Chase, Lemon leak and Barrel Dodge ( I could not get pictures of them ) and I combined two of those tutorials and created a new game.

Journal entry #6

This is my draft for my final game.  The game  is called Midnight Snack. The objective  of the game is to avoid the skull and eat the bat.  If you get to zero lives, you lose.  If you try to hover, you'll hit the moon and lose a life.

This is my final game!

I had to improvise a little

Final game being played 

Final game

Arcade Reflection

What did you learn?

I learned how to code my own game

I learned how to save images to my google drive

I learned how to take a screen recording

Advice to future students:

When you make your draft. Make up a game your capable of creating

What else would you like to do but didn't have time for:

I would like to add more details and action to my game

What proof do you have that you learned this projects purpose?

The purpose of this project was to learn to connect the digital world to the real world through programming and wood working. 

My proof is I learned how  digital games are connected to the real world. and how arcade game controllers work