AMTNYS Journal

THE NEW YORK STATE MATHEMATICS TEACHERS' JOURNAL, an official publication of AMTNYS, is published three times a year in the Winter, Spring, and Fall.

Journal Co-Editor

Dept. of Teaching, Learning, & Ed. Leadership
Binghamton University
Binghamton, NY 13902

Problems Editor

Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
SUNY Fredonia
Fredonia, NY 14063

Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
SUNY Fredonia
Fredonia, NY 14063

Associate Editors

School of Education
SUNY Plattsburgh
Plattsburgh, NY 12901

Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
SUNY Fredonia
Fredonia, NY 14063

Manuscripts submitted for publication should be sent to editor Amber Simpson. Manuscripts should be typewritten, double-spaced with 1-inch margins, with figures embedded on the page referenced in the manuscript. More information regarding submission types and guidelines can be found below. Since all manuscripts are subject to a review process, author identification should appear only on a separate cover sheet. The cover sheet should include all author contact information.

Where’s the math in New York state?

AMTNYS Journal is collecting photos from around our communities that illuminate mathematics. With the submission of each photo, add a statement and/or question you might pose to a class to help launch a conversation and encourage further exploration. To contribute, submit your photo and information at this link.

Problems and Solutions

Problems appropriate for this column are assumed not to be widely known or accessible in popular textbooks. Problems that are interesting or useful to teachers of mathematics by virtue of illustrating key mathematical concepts are welcome. Solutions to the problem proposed in this issue should be submitted on separate signed sheets. All correspondence should be sent to Dr. Harris Kwong, Department of Mathematical Sciences, SUNY Fredonia, Fredonia, NY, 14063 (

Book Review

Have you read a “good” book about mathematics or mathematics education that you would like to share with others? Then consider writing a book review. The review should be between 500-750 words and include the following information:

Exploring Mathematics

The goal for articles in this section should discuss a mathematical idea or concept for readers to use in their own classrooms. Articles that also include a technological tool to engage in the mathematical idea or concept are welcome but not required. Submissions should not exceed 3,500 words.

For the Beauty (and Humor) of Mathematics

The goal for this section is to share an artifact such as a photograph, a poem or vignette, an original cartoon, an original artwork, a collage, a student work sample, or a celebratory item (e.g., Pi Day) that highlight the beauty and/or humor of mathematics. Submissions should also include a brief description that relates the artifact to how the beauty and/or humor of mathematics from your perspective. These are intended for teachers rather than direct use with students. Submissions should not exceed 300 words.

Focus on an Instructional Approach

The goal of articles for the Focus on an Instructional Approach is to share an instructional strategy, a learning technology, or a task used in a lesson, as a few examples of many possibilities. Information presented should embody present methodologies in mathematics education. Evidence of classroom implementation and student work samples are encouraged but not required. Submissions should be between 1,500-4,500 words.

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