74th Annual Conference
Come see keynote speakers Howie Hua and Ben Orlin.
Click Here To Register Now and Reserve Your Spot
please read the form carefully as you complete it as some aspects of it have changed this year.
Questions on the conference can be sent to Dan Mattoon, our VP/Conference Coordinator at dmattoon@amtnys.org. If you have questions or have difficulty registering, please contact Ben Kirk, our data manager at bkirk@amtnys.org.
Hotel Room Reservations
The Hilton has set aside rooms with a discounted rate.
Hilton Hotel Room Reservations
You can also call in to the 1(800)Hiltons reservation line and provide the code “1MT” to book your reservations.
If you have experience and expertise on a particular topic in mathematics, consider becoming a speaker at the AMTNYS 74th Annual Fall Conference in Albany. Being a speaker is a great way to increase your exposure and build professional recognition amongst your peers. Please consider sharing your talents and expertise with your colleagues.
Did you submit a proposal and have not heard back?
Our first round of proposal acceptance notifications have been sent. Make sure you check your SPAM folder just in case. We will be sending out our second round of acceptance shortly.
Conference Committee Chairs
Conference Coordinator/Vice-President Dan Mattoon
Arrangements (AV/Technology) Mike Faustino
Banquet & Food Breaks Anne Bratt
Program Mary Ann Nickloy
Compiler Caitlyn Gironda
Registration Heidi Bromley
Sponsorship Kristin Hanley
Make It & Take It Keary Howard
Commercial Exhibits Ronni David
Publicity Linda Brennan
Photographer Liz Waite
Treasure Hunt Angela Netoskie