Rocky Mountain Atelier TMO Master's Message

Greetings Brothers and Sisters in the Light of Martinism,

The Traditional Martinist Order is an Initiatic Order based essentially on Judeo-Christian Mysticism. A Martinist is an individual who has successfully entered into a new and deeper understanding of Judeo Christian mysticism.

Martinism functions under the auspices of the unknown philosopher Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin, who is known to have been initiated into a profound and deep understanding of Judeo-Christian mysticism as his published books and works show to us. This is an initiation into a progressively greater understanding or greater light until one ultimately enters into the source of all light and understanding that is the quest of Martinism.

Martinism conceives of humans as originally dwelling in great harmony within the bosom of Immensity (or God) until the Fall. After the Fall, humanity was degraded from a purely divine state of being into a more material state of existence. With the Fall came a loss of the power of true perception and understanding.

The Martinist quest lies in determining how we can rediscover this state of paradise in which mankind used to be at once a thought, a word and an action of God.

A Martinist is one who is initiated into an understanding of the natural relationship which exists between God, the universe and humankind. The Rocky Mountain Atelier confers all three of these initiations. The next one will be scheduled when such gatherings are deemed safe.

A Martinist is one who seeks to be reintegrated into his or her original estate prior to the fall. He or she desires to understand his or her true self, for we can only read ourselves in God and understand ourselves in His splendor, this is true initiation. Saint Martin tells us that this initiation is that by which we can enter into the heart of God and make God’s heart enter into us, thereby forming an indissoluble marriage which will make us the friend, brother and spouse of our divine Redeemer.

A Martinist student is one who seeks this initiation, and the only way of arriving at this holy initiation is to go further and further down into the depths of our being, through meditation and prayer, and not let go until we can bring forth the living and vivifying root, because then all fruit which we ought to bear, according to our kind, will be produced within and without ourselves naturally.

In order to access this vivifying root that is anchored in the eternal, we must cleanse ourselves of all impurities on all levels of our being. For our perception of this root depends on the purity of the vehicle of perception. Once we have purified ourselves in thoughts words and action, then can we unite our being with that source of light, the celestial Sophia, and be able to access that root which will produce the fruits we ought to bear, but not before then.

What are the fruits by which a Martinist is known?

All humanity is considered as brothers and sisters for we all are leaves from the same tree of life, cells from the same organism. We would do well not to harm each other for we would be harming ourselves.

Our words, thoughts and actions are synchronized and reflect the divine thought, word and action that activate our being. Conscience is our guide.

We act as an ambassador of the Divine here on earth, executing divine laws with love, wisdom, and compassion. We are a source of light, life and love for all of creation that crosses our path.

We continuously pay homage to the divine, for we remain in awe of the beauty and eternal harmony of all creation – for those who study nature, everything points to the creator.

The COVID-19 virus situation in our world at this moment has placed all humanity in a new state of being and of relating to those around us. The Rocky Mountain Atelier is aware of this and the Officers discuss the safety of holding our Weekend Intensive Meetings on a regular basis. Presently we are holding no meetings until further notice. When we can safely gather and once again pursue our temple work the members will be notified.

I am always available to contact if there are any questions or concerns at this time of new challenge – and of new opportunity!

May we ALL ever dwell in the eternal light of Divine Wisdom.,

Terry Orlikoski, SI, SRC

Master Rocky Mountain Atelier

7100 Broadway Unit 3J

Denver, CO 80221 Email:

Cell: 702-420-0369