Provincial Master's Message

Sisters and Brothers, Sorores and Fraters;

May you live in interesting times.” This allegedly ancient Chinese curse would seem to apply to the times we are currently experiencing. The word “interesting”, in this case, implies times that are trying, that we are out of our comfort zones and having to continually improvise. Think about it! Is this all bad? We know from our mystical studies that change and stressing situations are what bring about spiritual growth. Seeing a negative result from any of our actions is what causes us to re-evaluate the action and to choose differently next time – this is the law of Karma!

We can react to the stresses of this pandemic with fear of catching the dreaded disease. We can experience anger at the restrictions being imposed upon us by the government in trying to curtail its spread. We can feel the loneliness from the isolation due to the stay-at-home mandates. We can allow these, and more, negative emotions to take our energy and keep us from seeing and understanding the larger picture.

As mystics, we should look past these “little me” reactions and see that larger picture and act, not react, with love and understanding. Robert Browning tells us, “God is in His heaven, and all is right with the world.” We know that divine love permeates all on this earthly plane and that this love has been extended to allow us to learn from our mistakes. All events and all “natural disasters”, including this one, are gifts to allow us to learn valuable lessons and to make better choices in the future.

So, these “interesting times” are really a blessing and a gift. We are learning how to better prepare for future incidents. We are learning better and more expansive methods of mass communication. We are learning to be more appreciative of those who are rendering aid. We are becoming more innovative in finding new ways to accomplish old tasks. I encourage you to think of and discover the many other ways in which this situation is a good thing.

I extend this BLESSING. May you always live in interesting times.

I will leave you with an excerpt from the wonderful poem Desiderata by Max Ehrmann.

And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be. And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

May you ever dwell in the Eternal Light of Divine Wisdom!

David Schloegel, S.I., F.R.C.

Provincial Master

Traditional Martinist Order