Grand Councilor's Message

Greetings, Fratres, Sorores and Friends of AMORC!

To say that these are interesting times would be an understatement. So I won’t say that. Rather, I would like to share with you some information about changes at Grand Lodge and in the Colorado Region that have occurred over the past quarter. I hope you will agree that the Rosicrucian Principles have been serving us well in manifesting positive change at a time when transformation seems inevitable.

Many, if not most, Rosicrucian students successfully study and apply the Rosicrucian teachings in their home sanctums without ever connecting with other Rosicrucians. This is a very powerful testament about how effective our lessons are. However, there are many Rosicrucians who find great satisfaction and benefit in the fraternal aspects of our Order, by attending events at affiliated bodies (AB’s) when they can. After AB’s closed in March, many members felt disconnected, especially when it became clear that the AB’s could be closed for three months or more. Grand Lodge has been offering online programs, open to members and non-members alike, to help fill the void. The response has been humbling, and the messages about our teachings, healing, and health are inspiring. You can find announcements of these meetings in email, social media, and the Grand Lodge home page. In addition, our Imperator, Claudio Mazzucco, is leading us in directions that will strengthen our beloved Order and increase its appeal to the younger generation. Our Grand Lodge has developed several initiatives in response. The online meetings are just one aspect. There are also now a number of collaborative teams, comprised of Regional and Affiliated Body officers nationwide and focused on: Outreach via social media and best-practice website design, Leadership best practices, Online and Public programs, and Ritualistic excellence. Grand Secretary Karen Wark recently reported that membership in our Grand Lodge is over 10,000 (the highest number in over 20 years)! More than 80% of new members learned of AMORC online, so a strong online presence is an obvious point of focus for AMORC.

At a local level, we also are experiencing change and growth. Under the guidance of Grand Lodge and with the significant help of some local members, the Colorado Region has implemented an online meeting program. It is wonderful to see other Rosicrucians and to hear their mystical insights as we discuss the different programs that have been presented. Our social media presence is becoming stronger and more vital, again thanks to the efforts of members in this region who love our Order and offer their unique skills in Service to it. Our website was recently updated, and is now in another stage of redesign to make it simpler to navigate, especially on mobile devices. Membership in Colorado has grown by 17 (9.6%) since February. Nearly a third of our members (32.3%) have been in the Order less than a year, and I receive such encouraging and profound messages from several. It is challenging, but very rewarding, to keep up. If you have been in the Order for a few years, would you consider communicating with some of our new members who wish to discuss our teachings and mystical ideas? If so, please email me at Another way to connect with Colorado members would be to join our Facebook group “Rosicrucians in Colorado”, and contribute to the conversation there.

I am grateful to be associated with an organization that faces these interesting times with such courage and commitment to our Principles, to emerge stronger and better.

May you experience the most positive of Cosmic forces in your personal path!

Bill Hallett

Grand Councilor

Colorado Region, AMORC