Pike's Peak Atrium Group Leader's Message

Change, and many people's aversion to it, is something I think about often. Change is inevitable. It's the one thing we can guarantee will happen, and when it does there are usually 3 options: surrender and change with it, resist and be changed by it, or harmonize and direct it in a way that is advantageous.

The flow of time is like a river that's going to take us for a ride no matter what we do, and we're sitting in a kayak (our earthly incarnation) with nothing but a paddle (our choices). We can try to fight the current, exhausting ourselves and getting nowhere. We can choose not to paddle and let the river dunk us and beat us from rock to rock uncontrollably. Or we can paddle intelligently, see the rocks coming and adjust beforehand. Though we are still drawn inexorably forward by the current, the ride becomes enjoyable. We can begin to see upcoming rapids as fun challenges to navigate, rather than something fearful and beyond our control.

This dynamic is very important in the study of martial arts which is something I have done for a long time. In a conflict change happens rapidly and often violently, and being able to anticipate and adapt to change is what separates great martial artists from average ones. However, this is not only true for fighting but for all of life. Being able to remain calm, centered, and balanced in any circumstance puts one in a much better position to act quickly and effectively when change happens, while developing the sensitivity to anticipate and adapt to change BEFORE it happens is what makes one a master of circumstance rather than a victim.

Is this not also what we strive for as Rosicrucians, learning to guide and direct the circumstances of our own lives to achieve self-mastery? Some martial arts refer to themselves as "The Art of Change" because of the focus on learning to direct change and the recognition that this is an art which takes many years to develop. But again this applies to all of life. The Mastery of Life IS the Art of Change. All growth is change. All progress is change. Change is what makes this incarnation the fascinating learning and soul expanding experience that it is. So embrace the change. And by practicing the art of change may our lives be ever more enriched and fulfilled!

Best wishes for Peace Profound,

Dave Miller