Grand Councilor's Message

Greetings from All Points of the Triangle!

The Rosicrucian teachings make a fundamental distinction between actuality and reality, actuality being defined as the law and order of vibration and reality as the law and order of perception. Many students abide in the realization-the understanding-that we can only know through our perceptions. Let’s take a closer look at this fundamental distinction by first raising a simple question: What is the law and order of vibration?

As I ask the question I recall that everything vibrates. It seems more than plausible to proceed to say that everything vibrates at once in a unitary fashion, all together, at any one time, throughout a continually expanding physical universe. Actuality vibrates and that vibration is a partial source of our realizations. We also perceive our universe according to our consciousness and its imbedded personal and cosmic memories, most of which lie hidden in our subconscious. So we need a reality, a perception, to know, however full or partial, that actuality.

The Rosicrucian teachings often refer to “The God of our heart, God of our realizations,” implying that our realizations are somehow divine. They are. Through them the physical world appears to each of us in our varied visual and psychological filters. We realize it in harmony with the questions we ask and the type of answers we seek. So, a good question seems, is there a one to one match between our perception of, say, our family dog, or bird, or cat? Let’s see. Visualize that favored pet from a variety of positions and angles, in front of it, above it, or to either side. Does what you see change?

Gazing at our family golden doodle, Stardust, I see many with her name. In addition to various visual "Stardusts", I frequently perceive her as a loving companion, a hungry friend, a being who needs an abundance of exercise, a terrifically attentive canine being, curious, loyal and so on and on and on. The number of ways which she can be realized are seemingly infinite. She seems to wear a great many faces.

Likewise, the God of Our Hearts has many ways in which it is realized. Those ways mark the evolution of the physical world as we individually and collectively realize new types of life forms, new uses for those we already know, new ways to utilize energy, and generally adopt new collective and individual understandings. Realizations thereby reveal themselves as the heart of the evolution of each individual consciousness,

How many ways can we realize the world? Too many to count? That counting, those realizations, are the evolutionary impetus towards other greater and ever changing realizations.

Our various exercises and meditations open a door to the infinite on both the individual and collective planes. By closing the door to preconceived patterns of realization, we open the door to the infinite number of realizations offered by the God of Our Hearts, the God of our realization, and the God of our evolution. In that way, actuality becomes a huge human and dynamic potential for all living beings.

It is the source.

How do you see it?

With all best wishes for your unending realizations,

John Fowler

Grand Councilor

Colorado Region AMORC