Provincial Master's Message

Sisters and Brothers, Sorores and Fraters;

Have you ever considered the meaning and ramifications of the Hermetic saying “as above so below?” The material world in its actions and manifestations of objects and events has its roots in the Cosmic world, the spiritual plane. This implies that the causes for physical world manifestations and events lie in the higher dimensions.

How do we apply this insight in everyday life? For most of us we see life challenges as problems to be solved, a material barrier to be overcome, and take a mundane “wrench” to them and solve them with the material tools we have at hand. This is normal and is the way people have approached and attacked life for millennia.

Humanity’s usual way of attacking life is like trying to repair a car with one arm strapped behind the back. It can be done, but we are handicapped and have to work harder and longer to accomplish the task. If we consider that whatever is happening to us has its root cause in the infinite spiritual world, then we can start using our knowledge of spiritual laws to help resolve our problems; in other words, we can attack the problem at its cause, not just treat the symptom. Being aware of, and using, the higher mystical laws allows us to improve the situation using “both hands”- all our faculties. For example, we can use our knowledge of the workings of Karma and determine why a problem is occurring and correct the cause. We can use our ability to mentally create and bring into existence conditions that help our situation. And these are just a few of the Cosmic principles and processes available to us. We have the infinite at our disposal!

Brothers and Sisters, Fraters and Sorores, I encourage you to always take the step back and look at life’s challenges from the point of view of higher dimensions. Take advantage of the wonderful gifts and knowledge provided us by our mystical Orders.

May you ever dwell in the Eternal Light of Divine Wisdom!

David Schloegel, S.I., F.R.C.

Provincial Master

Traditional Martinist Order