Planning Team

Would you like to be a part of our team? Be a volunteer and join us!

ALWC 2020 Conference Chair

Communication Chair

Yadi Zhang

Exhibitor Co-chair

Hannan Wu

Exhibitor Co-chair

Sicheng Chen

Finance Co-chair

Shasha Cui

Finance Co-chair

Yunting Guo

OL Co-chair

Weijia Li

OL Co-chair

Program Book Chair

Jihan Ayesh

Proposal Co-chair

Ali Safivand

Proposal Co-chair

Beilei Guo

Proposal Committee

Glynis Hunt

Proposal Committee

Daniel Uebbing

Proposal Committee

Shuiling Wu

Proposal Committee

Yanbin Yang

Proposal Committee

Chunmei Zhao

Proposal Committee

Ruilin Zhang

Proposal Committee

Ting Zhang

Proposal Committee

Michelle Heckman

Publicity Co-chair

Anlun Wang

Publicity Co-chair

Xiaoyu Wan

Publicity Assistant

Fangzhi He

Registration Co-chair

Xiatinghan Xu

Registration Co-chair

Flutura Shala

Scheduling Co-chair

Shiori Yoshida

Scheduling Co-chair

Tech Team

Keirah Comstock

Shawnna Sweet

Shuiling Wu

Yunfan Gong

Volunteer Co-chair

Shiyi Shen

Volunteer Co-chair