Google Classroom

Parents, please DO NOT join the class as students.

You will be invited as a guardian on your child's account. If you join as a student yourself it gets incredibly confusing to grade assignments as the ones the students turn in during class will be under their name and some of the ones they turn in at home end up under your name.

To join our class FOR THE FIRST TIME, please do the following:

  1. Go to
  2. In the top right hand corner click the + button
  3. Click "Join a Classroom"
  4. When it asks you to enter a class code, please enter the following: d9pdrlz

To Access our class, please do the following:

  1. Go to
  2. Your should see a class there that says Mrs. McCleskey's Class. Just click on it and this will take you to our google classroom.

How to attach work to an assignment:

  1. Click on the assignment
  2. Click open
  3. Take a picture of your work using a phone, tablet, computer, etc. OR scan your work onto your computer. You can then email this picture to yourself from your school email and it will save in your drive.
  4. Click "Add or Create"
  5. You can then either directly attach your picture, OR you can put it in a google doc or drawing or something and attach that.