Compare & Contrast

Option 1

Holiday Music!

  1. Listen to (don't watch) the first song (video on the left), draw an image of what you see while you listen
  2. Repeat with the second song
  3. Make a compare and contrast chart for the two songs
  4. Write a 3 paragraph essay explaining
    1. How they approach the theme similarly
    2. How they approach the theme differently
    3. Which was your favorite and why

Option 2

A Christmas Carol or Polar Express

  1. Watch 2 different versions
    • As you do, be sure to take notes on:
        • Characters
        • Plot
  2. Create a compare and contrast chart
  3. Write a 3 paragraph essay
    • Paragraph 1: Similarities
    • Paragraph 2: Differences
    • Paragraph 3: Your favorite and why