World War II

Use or Adobe Spark

Graphic Notes

  • Your teacher will assign a different time period daily
  • For that days time period, create "Graphic Notes" to record important information you learned that day.
  • Don't just tell me the title of the event, be sure to give me some details about what happened there!
  • The graphic notes will be added to our timeline in the hallway
  • See the sections below to know which events you need to take notes on


Use the timeline below to understand what took place leading up to the war.




  1. Germans Overrun Denmark and Norway
  2. Battle of Flanders
  3. Battle of France
  4. Italy Enters War as Germany's Ally
  5. The Battle of Britain
  6. The "Blitz"
  7. Tripartite Pact
  8. Lend Lease


  1. British Secure East Africa
  2. Germans Invade Soviet Union
  3. United States Garrisons Iceland
  4. Atlantic Charter
  5. Star of David Badges
  6. Soviet Winter Offense
  7. Japanese Attack Pearl Harbor
  8. United States Antisubmarine Campaign
  9. Central Pacific Campaign
  10. Philippine Islands Campaign



  1. Wannsee Conference
  2. Aleutian Islands Campaign
  3. Battle of Midway
  4. Egypt-Libya Campaign
  5. Air Offensive Europe Campaign
  6. Battle of Stalingrad
  7. Manhattan Project


  1. New Guinea Campaign
  2. German U-Boats Break Contact in North Atlantic
  3. Sicily Campaign
  4. Naples-Foggia Campaign
  5. Tehran Conference



  1. Normandy Campaign
  2. V-1 Flying Bomb attacks
  3. Warsaw Uprising
  4. V-2 Rocket Attacks
  5. Rhineland Campaign
  6. Ardennes-Alsace Campaign


  1. Yalta Conference
  2. Iwo Jima
  3. German Surrender
  4. United Nations Charter Signed
  5. Alamagordo Atomic Test
  6. Postdam Conference
  7. Hiroshima
  8. Japanese Surrender
  9. Nuremberg Trials

Post War

Read through all the Post war events.

Pick 5 that you would like to create your graphic notes about.

If you finish early, go back and read through events in the war that we didn't get to.

Instagram Template


If Instagram existed during WWII, what would people post?

Use the example above as a guide. You can use any online tool to create the post (google drawings might be cool). You have to do this online and use actual images.

  1. Imagine you are an average citizen/soldier from WWII. You could be a citizen/soldier of any country. You are going to create an Instagram post as if you were there. As you think about who you would like to be, consider the following
            • People who lived in concentration camps
            • People who lived in Japan during the bombing
            • People who were there at Pearl Harbor
            • Soldiers on the beach during D-Day
            • The sky is the limit here. Basically you could pick any event that took place during WWII and imagine what it might have been like to be there.
  2. Create an Instagram post. (You may need to do a little extra research and/or use some imagination to understand how your individual would have felt).
    • The post must include:
      • A profile pic of you and your name
          • If you want to create a black and white photo of yourself you can.
      • A MAIN picture (center) of the place/battle/event you are imagining you were a part of.
      • Names of a few people who would have liked the post
          • These need to be actual people who were associated with the person/event during this period of time. Consider soldiers from Countries who may have been allied with you. You could also look into who may have led your army or names of people who experienced that event.
    • A short message about the photo including what the event was you experienced and how you might have felt.
        • This message should be something a person during that time period may have actually said or something that might actually have been said about the event.
        • It could also be something that person was actually feeling during this time
        • It should give us some insight to what was going on during the war
    • At least 3 hashtags
        • Hashtags should be something that gives us insight to what was going on during the war

Print out your H-Instagram post in color to be hung on the wall next to our timeline.