Volunteers should have no expectation of working on specific sites or scopes of work, and will likely be allocated to weed abatement work sites. Similar to most other programs, you’re volunteering to help victims of wildfires, and we plug in volunteers where the need is greatest! Put another way - join us with an open mind and willingness to help!

This program will be a combination of rebuild and wildfire relief work. 

Volunteers will primarily be allocated to working on weed abatement sites. 

The relief work carried out will include things like weed abatement, swamping, and ladder fuel removal. Volunteers can expect to do tasks such as: brush cutting & removal, and removing ladder fuels with pole saws.

In the past couple months, we have been able to complete rebuild work in collaboration with other relief organizations in the area on some days. While rebuild work should not be expected, there may be some days where volunteers are able to help with home hardening-- ex: installing gutter guards. Home hardening helps increase the structure's resistance to heat and fire embers.

Additionally, 3-4 volunteers are assisting with community gardening and tree planting events each week. Another community project that our team is helping with is the building of a greenhouse. We hope to involve volunteers in more community projects moving forward. 

Take a look at some photos!

Weed Abatement (Removal of material that increases fire hazard):

Rebuild (installing fixtures, painting, building furniture, etc.):

Community Gardening:


The day starts at around 7:00 am when our team wakes up to get ready for work. Typically the work day is from 8:00am - 4:30pm. It is not as common, but for the month of March, the volunteers working on a mitigation site were leaving the base to start work at 7 am and be back by 5 pm. For all other rebuild work, volunteers leave at 8:30  am and get back by 4 pm. During your work day you have a half hour for lunch at noon.

After you return home from the worksite, at 4 pm, you will have the mandatory evening meeting. Both volunteers and staff will be expected to do cleaning of base and cooking for communal dinners. For volunteers and staff alike, there will be plenty of time to unwind, relax, and reflect on your day. There will also be fun events for volunteers to join in on. Read more about the daily schedule here.