EB Primary & Elementary Sessions Tuesday, July 12th

Click on the session that you would like to attend in order to register in PowerSchool.

8:30 a.m. - 9:45 a.m.

Tongue Tied? Steps to Untying the Knot (Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Oral language development is the initial stepping stone of literacy. Help your students engage in authentic academic conversations through a gradual release model. Learn practices to increase EBs' participation and engagement in classroom discussions that focus on diverse perspectives and the development of critical thinking skills.

Face to Face

Hooked on Ellevation Strategies Part 1 (Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Learn how to build background knowledge, clarify input, fortify output, foster interactions and develop academic language. Ellevation strategies will make your content comprehensible while students are engaged in learning.

Face to Face

Deeper Dive of Cross Linguistic Connections: Part 3 Morphology (Elementary) Face to Face

Deeper Dive of Cross-Linguistic Connections: Part 3 - Emphasis on Morphology

The purpose of this workshop is to discuss instructional strategies and activities to perform a contrastive analysis of the elements of English and Spanish, specifically on the morphology on both languages.

Face to Face

Spanish Language: The Phonological and the Orthographic Systems (Primary and Elementary) Virtual

This training is predominantly delivered in Spanish. The Spanish language structure will be described based on the components and attributes of the Phonological and the Orthographic Systems. Teachers will understand the structure of the Spanish Language with the final purpose of increasing their students' vocabulary and reading comprehension in Spanish. Additionally, the associated cross-linguistic connection to English will be explained emphasizing the differences and similitudes between the structure of Spanish and English and how these differences should impact our practice.

Motivating ELLs (Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Motivating ELLs: Activities to Inspire & Engage Students will guide teachers through a unique approach of user-friendly strategies that help teachers inspire and connect to their English language learners. This session provides teachers with activities focused on developing meaningful relationships with students' an important key to motivation that is often neglected. Teachers will learn how to build off student interests to foster total engagement with academic content, breathe new life into content and language objectives, capitalize on student and teacher creativity and innovation, and facilitate enjoyable content writing for all ages.

Face to Face

EBs Academic Success - What Every Teacher Needs to know (Primary and Elementary) Virtual

Summer is a great time to recharge your batteries and to be ready for a new school year. When school starts in August, you will get new students that are coming with their own experiences and knowledge. Students that come looking for teachers that are well prepared to engage them, to challenge them, and to provide them with the support they need to address their students' learning needs. Thinking about this, educators need to be ready with new or renovated skills and strategies and new ways to connect with their EBs as well as with other students in their classrooms. So, my invitation is for you to engage as a learner, build on your own competencies and strengths and to try out as many of the ideas presented in this professional development as you can. Remember, the more you learn, the better you will be able to serve your students!

Face to Face

"Salagadoola-Mechika-Boola-Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo" (Primary) Face to Face

As primary educators we should understand how oral language relates to word reading and language development. In this session, we will take a look at how listening to language is the groundwork for later reading skills. Participants will acquire knowledge and materials that build oral language skills that are critical to later reading success.

Face to Face

Influencing your Targeted Language! (Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Do you have emergent bilingual students in your monolingual class? Are you needing strategies to help the learning stick? Emergent bilingual children might have trouble following and participating in a whole-class conversation. In this session, you will learn how to adjust your instructional strategies by providing intentional support such as color coding, cognates, sentence stems, and visuals to increase English language development. Come join our session and learn various language supports to use during your CKLA Knowledge instruction to make the learning stick!

Face to Face

Using Spanish to Build Students' Background Knowledge in Grades 3-5 Bilingual Classroom (Elementary) Virtual

In this session, teachers will learn different ways to build students' background knowledge in their first language while acquiring their second language in a content based curriculum.

Teach Like a Culturally Responsive Champion (Primary and Elementary) Virtual

Myriad research studies suggest the need for culturally responsive teaching strategies to augment student achievement. Our session will offer concrete, engaging, easy-to-implement techniques that will keep students engaged, focused, and learning. Be prepared to be entertained!

The Multilingual Allotment of Minutes for OWDL and Aldine ISD's Literacy Framework (Primary and Elementary PK to 2nd) Face to Face and Virtual

This session will show participants the alignment of the Multilingual Allotment of Minutes and the Aldine ISD's Literacy Framework for the One-Way Dual Language Classes in PK-2nd Grade.

Face to Face and Virtual

B.E.L.I.E.V.E.! in Transformative Emotional Intelligence: Strengthening Teaching from Within (All Levels) Face to Face

Join Miss Dorito for some real talk with research and see how learning about the 4 Pillars and 13 Major Skills of TEI can create a happier, less stressful, more compassionate, boundary setting you in and out of the classroom. Participants leave rejuvenated, seen, heard and ready to explore emotional intelligence for teachers. That is if you B.E.L.I.E.V.E.!

Face to Face

Coaching Teachers in Bilingual & Dual Language Classrooms (All Levels) Virtual

Join TaJu Learning (Teaching for the Achievement & Justice of Us) with engaging dual language teachers in constructive observations and feedback is essential to teacher excellence and student achievement. This session empowers administrators, coaches, and teacher leaders with a proven framework for coaching dual-language and bilingual teachers with fair and effective feedback. Coaches and administrators gain the skills and tools needed to answer the question, "How can I consistently and accurately create a coaching cycle for dual-language and bilingual teachers, especially if the language utilized during instruction is one that I don't speak?" Participants will receive essential tools for providing effective coaching and high-quality feedback cycles. This session is great for instructional specialists or coaches.

10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m.

Cross- Linguistic Transfer and the Sound-Spelling Transfer Kit. (1st Grade) Virtual

This session is for first grade bilingual teachers. A presenter from Benchmark, will unpack and explicitly show teachers how to make cross linguistic transfer from Spanish to English. The lessons are specifically tailored to help our first grade one way dual language teachers how to make language transfer during language arts.

Tongue Tied? Steps to Untying the Knot (Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Oral language development is the initial stepping stone of literacy. Help your students engage in authentic academic conversations through a gradual release model. Learn practices to increase EBs' participation and engagement in classroom discussions that focus on diverse perspectives and the development of critical thinking skills.

Face to Face

Hooked on Ellevation Strategies Part 2 (Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Learn how to build background knowledge, clarify input, fortify output, foster interactions and develop academic language. Ellevation strategies will make your content comprehensible while students are engaged in learning. Part 2

Face to Face

Deeper Dive of Cross Linguistic Connections: Part 3 Morphology (Elementary) Face to Face

Deeper Dive of Cross-Linguistic Connections: Part 3 - Emphasis on Morphology

The purpose of this workshop is to discuss instructional strategies and activities to perform a contrastive analysis of the elements of English and Spanish, specifically on the morphology on both languages.

Face to Face

Spanish Language: The Phonological and the Orthographic Systems (Primary and Elementary) Virtual

This training is predominantly delivered in Spanish. The Spanish language structure will be described based on the components and attributes of the Phonological and the Orthographic Systems. Teachers will understand the structure of the Spanish Language with the final purpose of increasing their students' vocabulary and reading comprehension in Spanish. Additionally, the associated cross-linguistic connection to English will be explained emphasizing the differences and similitudes between the structure of Spanish and English and how these differences should impact our practice.

Motivating ELLs (Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Motivating ELLs: Activities to Inspire & Engage Students will guide teachers through a unique approach of user-friendly strategies that help teachers inspire and connect to their English language learners. This session provides teachers with activities focused on developing meaningful relationships with students' an important key to motivation that is often neglected. Teachers will learn how to build off student interests to foster total engagement with academic content, breathe new life into content and language objectives, capitalize on student and teacher creativity and innovation, and facilitate enjoyable content writing for all ages.

Face to Face

EBs Academic Success - What Every Teacher Needs to know (Primary and Elementary) Virtual

Summer is a great time to recharge your batteries and to be ready for a new school year. When school starts in August, you will get new students that are coming with their own experiences and knowledge. Students that come looking for teachers that are well prepared to engage them, to challenge them, and to provide them with the support they need to address their students' learning needs. Thinking about this, educators need to be ready with new or renovated skills and strategies and new ways to connect with their EBs as well as with other students in their classrooms. So, my invitation is for you to engage as a learner, build on your own competencies and strengths and to try out as many of the ideas presented in this professional development as you can. Remember, the more you learn, the better you will be able to serve your students!

Fomentando el Vocabulario en Español (Bilingual Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Acompáñanos a aprender y compartir actividades e ideas para fomentar el vocabulario de nuestros estudiantes. En esta presentación revisaremos información básica del lenguaje español e inglés mientras obtenemos estrategias para enriquecer el vocabulario de nuestros estudiantes. Estas actividades se pueden usar para expandir ideas en las lecciones de nuestro plan curricular o como juegos didácticos durante el recreo o transiciones

Face to Face

Raíces Comunes del Español del Inglés (Bilingual Primary and Elementary) Virtual

Uno de nuestros objetivos como educadores de niños bilingües es promover el desarrollo de la capacidad analítica de nuestros estudiantes al aprender comparando el español y el inglés. Durante este taller práctico repasaremos la historia del el español y el inglés y cuáles son sus elementos comunes. Además, utilizaremos estrategias que nos permitirán poner en practica conceptos de lingüística aplicada (competencia metalingüística).

Spanish & English and their roots in common

One of our goals as educators of bilingual children is to promote the development of our students' analytical skills when learning by comparing Spanish and English. During this practical workshop, we will review the history of Spanish and English and what their common elements are. In addition, we will use strategies that will allow us to put into practice applied linguistics concepts (metalinguistic competence).

"Salagadoola-Mechika-Boola-Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo" (Primary) Face to Face

As primary educators we should understand how oral language relates to word reading and language development. In this session, we will take a look at how listening to language is the groundwork for later reading skills. Participants will acquire knowledge and materials that build oral language skills that are critical to later reading success.

Face to Face

Using Spanish to Build Students' Background Knowledge in Grades 3-5 Bilingual Classroom (Elementary) Virtual

In this session, teachers will learn different ways to build students' background knowledge in their first language while acquiring their second language in a content based curriculum.

Level up Literacy for EBs (Elementary) Face to Face

Research shows EBs are still underperforming when it comes to reading! What can teachers do to help? Level up the classroom! Participants will be immersed in research based strategies that support student's knowledge & skill development through active engagement. Learn about some of the brain research and leading theories that activate leaning. Teachers will engage in activities that support the foundations of reading!

Face to Face

B.E.L.I.E.V.E.! in Transformative Emotional Intelligence: Strengthening Teaching from Within Part Deux (All Levels) Face to Face

Join Miss Dorito for Part 2 of this powerful session on Transformative Emotional Intelligence as we continue to explore visions, values, non-negotiables, and boundaries through understanding, navigating, and balancing our emotional and content intellect! That is if you B.E.L.I.E.V.E.!

Face to Face

12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Cross- Linguistic Transfer and the Sound-Spelling Transfer Kit. (2nd Grade) Virtual

This session is for second grade bilingual teachers. A presenter from Benchmark will unpack and explicitly show teachers how to make cross linguistic transfer from Spanish to English. The lessons are specifically tailored to help our first grade one way dual language teachers how to make language transfer during language arts.

Framework for Excellent and Equitable EB Education (Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Learn how to develop excellent and equitable EB Education by digging deep into the guiding principles that focus on students' strengths rather than deficits. We will support you through the process of reaching beyond your comfort zone while balancing content and language instruction simultaneously. You will walk away with an action plan based on a framework, to implement equitable ideas that will benefit emergent bilinguals.

Face to Face

Hooked on Ellevation Strategies Part 1 (Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Learn how to build background knowledge, clarify input, fortify output, foster interactions and develop academic language. Ellevation strategies will make your content comprehensible while students are engaged in learning.

Face to Face

Deeper Dive of Cross Linguistic Connections: Part 4 (Elementary) Face to Face

The purpose of this workshop is to discuss instructional strategies and activities to perform a contrastive analysis of the elements of English and Spanish, specifically on the grapho-phonic relationship of both languages.

Face to Face

Spanish Language: The Morphological and the Syntactic Systems (Elementary) Virtual

This training is predominantly done in Spanish. The Spanish language structure will be described based on the components and attributes of the Morphological and the Syntactic systems. Teachers will understand the structure of the Spanish Language with the final purpose of increasing their students' vocabulary and reading comprehension in Spanish. Additionally, the associated cross-linguistic connection to English will be explained emphasizing the differences and similarities between the structure of Spanish and English and how these differences should impact our practice.

Fomentando el Vocabulario en Español (Bilingual Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Acompáñanos a aprender y compartir actividades e ideas para fomentar el vocabulario de nuestros estudiantes. En esta presentación revisaremos información básica del lenguaje español e inglés mientras obtenemos estrategias para enriquecer el vocabulario de nuestros estudiantes. Estas actividades se pueden usar para expandir ideas en las lecciones de nuestro plan curricular o como juegos didácticos durante el recreo o transiciones

Face to Face

Enhance Your Lessons Through Biliteracy Strategies (Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Join us for this highly engaging session that will help bilingual teachers make cross linguistic connections through PVR. Participants will leave empowered and ready to differentiate and implement ELLevation strategies that will support their content for their students. Learn to scaffold instruction with structured conversations that will support students learning English and Spanish.

Face to Face

Enhancing Summarizing and Note Taking Skills (Primary and Elementary) Virtual

Did you know that summarizing and note taking are highly effective strategies? John Hattie's research states that summarization has an affect size of .79! Join us for an engaging session about the art of summarizing and note taking in the classroom. Participants will be able to self reflect on their current use of these strategies in their classroom, adjust current strategies, and learn new strategies to implement throughout core content areas.

The Art Connection (Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Yes, you will be making a little bit of art, yes, you are creative and so are your students! Let's inspire and motivate students by incorporating art analysis seamlessly into CKLA lessons with visual connections, graphic organizers, and student-led discussions. Learn how to use the Art of Comprehension strategies to develop the English language and build academic vocabulary skills through visual connections. By infusing the arts into your lessons, your students will gain confidence in their writing and speaking.

Face to Face

Let's ELLevate with Eureka (Elementary) Virtual

If the students are doing the talking.... the students are doing the learning! Participants will learn how to promote student discourse using ELLevation strategies in the math classroom. Come to this engaging session so students can internalize math skills during purposeful discussions.

Structured Literacy Instruction for English Learners (Elementary) Virtual

During this session, participants will explore each of the components of Structured Literacy along with evidence-based strategies for lesson design and effective implementation. We will reference the work of Dr. Elsa Cardenas-Hagan as we present the essential components of Structured Literacy; discuss special considerations for implementation of Structured Literacy among English Learners; and highlight cross-linguistic features for the development of second language and literacy skills.

B.E.L.I.E.V.E.! in The Writing Recipe: Ingredients for Empowerment on Paper (All Levels) Face to Face

This highly engaging, fun, and informative session demonstrates the successful writing strategy by Miss Dorito called The Writing Recipe. Using old school meets new school techniques, TPR, and pure FUN come see The Writing Recipe in action and how it empowers ALL students to WANT to write while giving teachers the confidence to teach writing with ease! That is if you B.E.L.I.E.V.E.!

Face to Face

Coaching Teachers in Bilingual & Dual Language Classrooms (All Levels) Virtual

Join TaJu Learning (Teaching for the Achievement & Justice of Us) with engaging dual language teachers in constructive observations and feedback is essential to teacher excellence and student achievement. This session empowers administrators, coaches, and teacher leaders with a proven framework for coaching dual-language and bilingual teachers with fair and effective feedback. Coaches and administrators gain the skills and tools needed to answer the question, "How can I consistently and accurately create a coaching cycle for dual-language and bilingual teachers, especially if the language utilized during instruction is one that I don't speak?" Participants will receive essential tools for providing effective coaching and high-quality feedback cycles. This session is great for instructional specialists or coaches.

2:00 p.m - 3:15 p.m.

Framework for Excellent and Equitable EB Education (Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Learn how to develop excellent and equitable EB Education by digging deep into the guiding principles that focus on students' strengths rather than deficits. We will support you through the process of reaching beyond your comfort zone while balancing content and language instruction simultaneously. You will walk away with an action plan based on a framework, to implement equitable ideas that will benefit emergent bilinguals.

Face to Face

Hooked on Ellevation Strategies Part 2 (Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Learn how to build background knowledge, clarify input, fortify output, foster interactions and develop academic language. Ellevation strategies will make your content comprehensible while students are engaged in learning. Part 2

Face to Face

Deeper Dive of Cross Linguistic Connections: Part 4 (Elementary) Face to Face

The purpose of this workshop is to discuss instructional strategies and activities to perform a contrastive analysis of the elements of English and Spanish, specifically on the grapho-phonic relationship of both languages.

Face to Face

Spanish Language: The Morphological and the Syntactic Systems (Elementary) Virtual

This training is predominantly done in Spanish. The Spanish language structure will be described based on the components and attributes of the Morphological and the Syntactic systems. Teachers will understand the structure of the Spanish Language with the final purpose of increasing their students' vocabulary and reading comprehension in Spanish. Additionally, the associated cross-linguistic connection to English will be explained emphasizing the differences and similarities between the structure of Spanish and English and how these differences should impact our practice.

Motivating ELLs (Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Motivating ELLs: Activities to Inspire & Engage Students will guide teachers through a unique approach of user-friendly strategies that help teachers inspire and connect to their English language learners. This session provides teachers with activities focused on developing meaningful relationships with students' an important key to motivation that is often neglected. Teachers will learn how to build off student interests to foster total engagement with academic content, breathe new life into content and language objectives, capitalize on student and teacher creativity and innovation, and facilitate enjoyable content writing for all ages.

Face to Face

Enhance Your Lessons Through Biliteracy Strategies (Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Join us for this highly engaging session that will help bilingual teachers make cross linguistic connections through PVR. Participants will leave empowered and ready to differentiate and implement ELLevation strategies that will support their content for their students. Learn to scaffold instruction with structured conversations that will support students learning English and Spanish.

Face to Face

Influencing your Targeted Language! (Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Do you have emergent bilingual students in your monolingual class? Are you needing strategies to help the learning stick? Emergent bilingual children might have trouble following and participating in a whole-class conversation. In this session, you will learn how to adjust your instructional strategies by providing intentional support such as color coding, cognates, sentence stems, and visuals to increase English language development. Come join our session and learn various language supports to use during your CKLA Knowledge instruction to make the learning stick!

Face to Face

The Art Connection (Primary and Elementary) Face to Face

Yes, you will be making a little bit of art, yes, you are creative and so are your students! Let's inspire and motivate students by incorporating art analysis seamlessly into CKLA lessons with visual connections, graphic organizers, and student-led discussions. Learn how to use the Art of Comprehension strategies to develop the English language and build academic vocabulary skills through visual connections. By infusing the arts into your lessons, your students will gain confidence in their writing and speaking.

Face to Face

Structured Literacy Instruction for English Learners (Elementary) Virtual

During this session, participants will explore each of the components of Structured Literacy along with evidence-based strategies for lesson design and effective implementation. We will reference the work of Dr. Elsa Cardenas-Hagan as we present the essential components of Structured Literacy; discuss special considerations for implementation of Structured Literacy among English Learners; and highlight cross-linguistic features for the development of second language and literacy skills.

B.E.L.I.E.V.E.! in Scaffolding: Breaking Down Content Area Lessons to Build Up Academic Literacy (All Levels) Face to Face

Join Miss Dorito for this highly informative play-by-play on scaffolding challenging science and social studies lessons so ALL students may feel confident and comfortable to learn. Watch how easy it is to do once you see it happening in real time. Participants leave empowered, ready to differentiate their content for ALL students. Learn to scaffold once and you will see its power and your awesomeness for increased student engagement and comprehension. That is if you B.E.L.I.E.V.E.!

Face to Face