
Europe for Citizens

Strand 1:

European Remembrance


18 months


From 01.12.2020 to 31.05.2022


The project aims to raise people and especially youth’s awareness on the historical importance and the meaning of the Declaration of Schuman for the EU. The objective is to actively involve citizens in approaching history in a proactive way.

Through the co-creation of artistic tools, like videos, theatre, games, audio narratives, partners will accompany groups of youth citizens in re-discovering history and in debating on EU values as intercultural dialogue, peace, and solidarity. This innovative and participative methodology aims to stimulate youngsters’ critical thinking and to put together the basis for a stronger and more conscious EU, in such a crucial historical moment with more EU-scepticism, the Brexit consequences, the challenges of the COVID19, and the Conference on the Future of Europe.

On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Declaration, partners are invited to reflect on the importance of “Solidarity” to which Schuman referred as the first result for the creation of the EU:

“Europe will not be made all at once, or according to a single plan. It will be built through concrete achievements which first create a de facto solidarity”,

They will discuss its meaning in today's society. The final event will take place in May 2022, on the 9th a public event will be organised where all partners’ groups will present the activities realised during the year, telling about the iter of consciousness that led to the creation of the final output, as well as their expectation on the future of Europe.

What is the Schuman Declaration?
Copyright: European Commission


The partnership encompasses 10 partners, having a good balance between municipalities and CSOs, which have extensive experience in promoting historical events, boosting cultural heritage and solidarity through active citizenship activities.

  • Municipality of Lavarone, leader of the project is, together with Fondazione Belvedere, deeply committed to work on promoting history and commemoration through innovative and new tools.

  • Municipality of Valogno, has a long experience of the celebration of historical tradition, from culinary to a religious one, and is well oriented in promoting EU values and solidarity among its citizens.

  • Municipality of Grez-Doiceau, working in tight collaboration with youths in the development of projects and initiatives also aiming at commemorating the losses of WW2.

  • UBBSLA, a network of municipalities has a long experience in implementing campaigns, training, and activities targeting youths and citizens and addressing cultural, environmental, and touristic issues.

  • Danube 1245 has implemented several EFC projects countering Euroskepticism and raising citizen’s awareness on EU value and history.

  • CDI actively works on promoting European values and cross-border cooperation at the European level, having in mind that Macedonia is still not an EU member state, they work on promoting European values and connecting young people from different countries.

  • Osijek Cultural Center is specialized in connecting history, culture and with citizens and youths through theatre and art.

  • The Boter Institute operates in the field of culture, but deals also with all youth, adults, seniors – all ager group empowerment and involves vulnerable populations in its activities.

  • ALDA contributes to and facilitates cooperation between LAs, CSOs, and citizens in the areas of local democracy, active citizenship, and other topics related to building a peaceful and prosperous EU.