Commune de Grez-Doiceau

DESIRE" drawing competition: What does Europe mean to you?

In Belgium

The pupils of the schools of Grez-Doiceau were made aware of the values of Europe. During this second phase, the aim was to open up the children to the world and citizenship, which are values present in the educational project of our primary schools in Grez-Doiceau. In this sense, several lessons were given by the teachers of the participating 5th and 6th grade classes on Europe and on the various themes related to it. Following these lessons, the pupils drew a picture on "What does Europe mean to you?”. The children were able to put their perceptions of Europe on paper (the pupils' drawings can be found in the drive). Each drawing was based on a theme, be it Europe, fishing, the environment or the climate. The children were able to put the values in the form of drawings. Following this, several drawings were selected by a group of active citizens. The selected drawings were put to the public vote via the citizen platform. The three schoolchildren who came out on top won a sports activity worth €125 in an association in Grez-Doiceau. During this phase, we worked in the form of co-construction with the teachers, the pupils and also the associations active in our area, always keeping the values of Europe and the Schuman Declaration in mind. We also wrote a document for the pupils' parents to explain the project and also to allow the children to discuss it with their parents to raise awareness of the values of Europe. During this phase, several articles were published on the citizens' digital platform in the form of an article and a consultation, but also in the local and regional press. Finally, the children's drawings were displayed in an educational farm where more than 800 people were able to look at them during activity 3 (the Schuman walk).