The Boter Institute

In North Macedonia

The Boter Institute presented the project and its content on 2 bigger events – conferences, where the project DESIRE was presented as a good practice to teach history of the EU and fight Euroscepticism. This are the Multipliers 1 and 2.

The first one merely presented the project, its aim and how we are planing to implementi t, as it happened while we were still implementing the first local phase of the project.

The second was the international conference on Euroscepticism, where we presented the project DESIRE as a best practice to teach youngsters about the EU, its history and purpose and thus prevent euroscepticism. We also showed the video created in the project DESIRE.

In the 3rd multiplier event, we asked the participants who traveled to Serbia to the final Conference of the Project DESIRE to present their experience to other youngsters. 2 of the participants (Tina and Miha) are taking part in a Youth Workers training and they presented their experience there. They talked about the history of the EU and what they have learned and how they experienced the project. We also played the video created in the project to the youth workers. They opened a discussion on the importance of the EU and the opportunities it offers to young people which other youth workers were very interested in. Other youngsters shared their opinions on the EU, solidarity, current situation, protection of human rights, etc. Future youth workers liked the idea of using videos, visual aids and other interactive methods to teach young people about history, tolerance, human rights, etc.