Danube 1245

1st Event - “EU - Future for Serbia”, World Café

In Strazilovo, Sremski Karlovci

The Danube 1245 Association organized the first local event from the first phase of the DESIRE project in the “world coffee” format. The event was attended by citizens of Sremski Karlovci who discussed the future of Serbia in the European Union and gave their assessments and their views in this context. Participants filled out pre-prepared questionnaires on the topic of knowledge of the EU, its history, and the role of the Schuman Declaration in the creation of the EU.

2nd Event - Round Table “Content of Schuman’s Declaration”

In Danube 1245 office, Sremski Karlovci

This activity refers to the acquaintance of the citizens of Sremski Karlovci with the content of the Schuman Declaration and the significance that this document has for the EU countries, as well as for our local community and our country as a whole.

Citizens took an active part in the discussion that followed the broadcast of the film made during the signing of the Schuman Declaration in 1950. The discussion was about comparing the situation in international relations during the 60 years since the signing of the Declaration and the far-reaching impact this document has had over time. In a way, this document became the basis for various European programs that even, enabled such a meeting of citizens in Sremski Karlovci.

3rd Event - Debate “EU Values and Intercultural Dialogue”

In Danube 1245 office and NOSH UP Cafe, Sremski Karlovci

This activity refers to the acquaintance of young citizens of Sremski Karlovci with European values ​​and the importance of intercultural dialogue in preserving the diversity that is one of the European values.

Young citizens (mostly high school students and college students) took an active part in the discussion that followed the initial brainstorming on the topic of their perception of the European values ​​they recognize and after getting acquainted with the elements that make up intercultural dialogue. In addition to a better understanding of the elements that make up intercultural dialogue, the use of intercultural dialogue as a tool for getting to know each other, better understanding and greater mutual understanding of different cultural patterns, traditions and heritage was especially discussed.