Alaska's Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

Programs, Groups & Competitions

One Million Cups Anchorage - 1MC provides a supportive, inclusive space for entrepreneurs and their communities to gather and connect, where they can work through business challenges and identify opportunities.

Alaska Investor Network - Alaska has long profited from the development of our natural resources. It’s time we developed our capital resources. The Alaska Investor Network (“The Network”), formerly known as The 49th State Angel Investor Network, promotes the development of a uniquely Alaskan economic ecosystem. The Network is an informal, unincorporated association of accredited, like-minded investors. Ultimately, the function of The Network is to act as a clearinghouse to connect investors with entrepreneurs and vice-versa in furtherance of business and commerce in Alaska and to pursue economic opportunities. Our primary audience is comprised of accountants, attorneys, bankers, brokers, entrepreneurs, financial planners or business consultants, business schools, and government entities. Be it private investors, Alaska Native Corporations, or non-profits, we collaborate with other organizations that share our mission to assist or promote commerce in Alaska.

Spruce Root's Path to Prosperity Business Plan Competition - Path to Prosperity is an annual business development competition for businesses with a positive economic, environmental, and community impact on Southeast Alaska. Businesses are judged based on their feasibility and their contributions to community development.

Upstart Alpha - Upstart Alpha is a program by the University of Alaska Center for Economic Development. We want to see promising startups come out of Upstart Alpha, that go on to earn revenues and scale up. The most important outcome of Upstart Alpha is growing entrepreneurs. Most startups fail, but gifted entrepreneurs will bounce back and try again. We’re here to help build that skillset--and mindset.

gBETA Anchorage - gBETA companies range from "I have an idea" to "I have significant revenue." Although most gBETA companies are post-product, pre-scale, as long as you are ready to make use of coaching on customer growth and investor readiness, mentor meetings, and investor and accelerator pitches, we're ready for you!

Alaska Ocean Cluster - We are a startup accelerator focused on innovations that support Alaska's Blue Economy and healthy, thriving oceans around the world.

Health TIE - Health TIE is an innovation hub that is a bridge between health and human service organizations and innovative entrepreneurial partners. Health TIE​ ​is a grassroots effort with the goal of connecting healthcare organizations, funders and changemakers with entrepreneurs who have products and services which will make healthcare more accessible and lower costs.

Stay Connected

Startup Digest Alaska - The #1 way to stay connected on a weekly basis with what’s happening across Alaska with entrepreneurship.

Alaska Startups Group - A facebook community-curated page with a wealth of information, plus back and forth as to what’s going on.

Entrepeneur Education

University of Alaska Anchorage, Minor in Entrepreneurship - An undergraduate series of classes (18 credits) which result in a minor in entrepreneurship.

Alaska Pacific University, Graduate Certificate in Entrepreneurship & Innovation - A short series of classes covering a wide range of entrepreneurial topics.

Alaska Angel Conference - Annual event in the Spring, connecting investors (new and seasoned) with entrepreneurs seeking funding.

Alaska Startup Weekend - A great starting point: Get exposed to how startups work while building one in a weekend. Keep your eyes open for this 48-hour event to build a business, which occurs in both Anchorage and Fairbanks at least once annually.

Alaska Startup Week — Held each year in November in the week between Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving (in tandem with Global Entrepreneurship Week)

Alaska Small Business Development Center — Counseling, educating and guiding both entrepreneurs and small business owners across Alaska.