Judging Criteria


Who does your idea help and how does it help them?

Describe your intended audience (provide information such as age, location, occupation, income level, etc.)

Explain how your idea solves a problem or addresses an unmet need.


How is your idea original?

What makes your idea new and exciting? If this is an improvement for an existing idea, how is it better? 

What makes your idea stand out above the rest? Is there already a U.S. patent for a similar idea? 

What has your research shown about similar ideas?


How would you make your idea a reality?

What feedback have you received on your idea? What are the next steps for your idea to enter the market (for example: write a business plan, create a prototype, find investors, etc.)?

Could this be made on a larger scale? Why does your idea have the potential to be successful?


How will this idea be profitable?

How is your idea financially sound? 

What economic value will your idea create?


How professional is your presentation? 

Do you grab the audience’s attention?

Is your idea clearly presented? 

How well do you answer questions from the judges?