Student 8

After completing each lesson, fill out the attendance form below. This will count as your child's attendance, so be sure to fill it out for EACH lesson!

Snow Day 2/1/2021 Lesson:

Play the board game below with your child. Here is an online spinner:

Have him try to find items on his device. He knows where most clothing items are (under "WEAR" in the second row--third in from the left). For accessories, have him use the word finder feature. If that is too much, just have him give a description (ask the color).

Remember to fill out the speech attendance form after completing!

clothing baord game.pdf


Below is a lesson to complete with your child. On each page is a picture of a breakfast food item. Try finding the food on his device (all foods are under the apple which is located in the bottom row). He knows where most of his foods are! Have him give one detail about each food item. This can be shape, color, temperature, etc. he knows where to find his colors and shapes, as well as the word "HOT". You can also provide him two choices "is it HOT or COLD" and have him point to the correct choice. Fill out the speech attendance form after completing.

breakfast foods and drinks.pptx


Lesson 1:

Complete the lesson on the right titled "compare and contrast week 2". Have your child talk about each item. You may need to provide questions to assist. For example: which one is bigger? which one is orange? Which one holds more people?

Try to think of 2 descriptors for each one. Use the word finder to talk about each one once you have finished so that your child can learn where new words are. (see youtube video below under week 1, lesson 1).

REMEMBER: Please fill out the speech attendance form above to have your child marked as present for this week!

compare and contrast week 2.docx



Complete the lesson to the right titled "What is in the kitchen and what do we use it for?". As you go through the powerpoint, have your child point to the correct answer. Mark how many correct/incorrect responses he has (ex: 5/10). Once you have completed the lesson, fill out the speech attendance form above.

While going through the powerpoint, you can have your child find the items on his device. If he or you are unsure where it is, use the word finder function. See video below:

Kitchen lesson.pptx


Work on using your child's device this week. During speech sessions, we try to focus on one phrase so that he is able to remember where the words are. This week, focus on the phrase I WANT. You can do this activity throughout the week. Anytime he needs something, have him request using "I WANT" on his device. This powerpoint will provide you examples of how to elicit this phrase.

For the speech attendance form, tell me approximately how many times he was able to use "I want" this week OR during a 30 minute period of time. (ex: 1 time, 26 times, 30 times, etc.).

I want.pptx


Watch the youtube video below with your child. This is a disney pixar short called "Geri's Game". During speech sessions, we usually watch the video two times. The first time we watch without pausing. The second time, we will pause and try and find the answers to questions (attached to the right of this text). Mark down how many your child was able to answer correctly out of the total # of questions. Once done, fill out the speech attendance form.

geris game.pdf