Speech Resources for Virtual Learning

Below are our "virtual" speech room rules. They closely resemble our in-person speech room rules. Feel free to review with your child!

virtual speech room rules.pdf

Below is the expanding expression tool. This can be used for working on describing. It helps the student thing of more than just the name of an object. For example:



what's it do=barks, walks, jumps, eats, plays fetch, etc.

what's it look like=floppy ears, black and white spots, etc.

what's it made of= has fur and body parts

what parts does it have= paws, whiskers, tail

where do you find it= at your house, pet store, shelter

what else do you know= I have a dog. Dogs can be different sizes.

eet for website.pdf

Use the web below to discuss stories you read with your child!

web nfl.pdf