AIS-R Health Services

Health and Safety are the number one priority of our students at AIS-R. The following explain procedures regarding approaches to these health services available to our students. 

Nurse's Office

The following processes, expectations, and procedures are in place for the HS Nurse Office:

**A student may return to school after 24hrs of being fever free and without the use of fever reducing medication.

Parents must notify the school Nurse when a doctor has diagnosed a student as having a communicable disease. If a student is diagnosed with a contagious disease, they can only return to school after receiving written permission from their doctor and submitting the note to the Nurse prior to returning to class. 


The school Nurse must administer all medication that is taken during school hours. Medicines are administered to the student only with written permission from the doctor or the parents. Any prescription drugs required by a student during school hours must be given to the Nurse complete with the student’s name, the class, time, and dose to be given. The student is responsible for arriving at the Nurse’s office on time for their medicine. All medicines must be left at the school clinic unless special arrangements have been made with the Nurse. Misuse of prescribed drugs is also considered an act subject to disciplinary action.

If students become ill or injured during the school day, the school Nurse may administer simple medication indicated by the parent on the school health form. 

Well Being and Mental Health Protocols

At AIS-R, well-being is the state of being comfortable, healthy, and happy and is characterized by the following five competencies:

However, at times, students experience serious emotional issues or crises that must be addressed with parents and a mental health professional. In the best interest of the student, the Principal will contact the parents for an immediate meeting and determination of next steps. During this period, the student will remain under the care of the Principal(s), counselor or Nurse. 

When a student is released to a parent due to a serious emotional crisis or issue while at AIS-R or participating in a school event off campus, it is expected that the parent will seek the immediate counsel of a mental health professional for their child. The parents of the student may be directed by the school to have a risk assessment conducted by the appropriate mental health provider. In turn, the mental health professional will be directed by the parent to provide relevant information in writing to the Principal and/or designated school faculty. In order for the student to be able to return to school, a detailed psychiatric assessment completed by a mental health professional attesting to the student’s safety in school will be required. A re-entry meeting with the parents will also be required.

Required psychological evaluation prior to re-entry: A required Educational Psychological Evaluation may be requested at any time to ensure the safety and well being of all Eagles. Experience has indicated that three days is sufficient time to obtain such an assessment. Absences will be excused for three days. After three days the situation will be reviewed by the Counselor and Principal. The result of the Educational Psychological Evaluation may prevent reentry to AIS-R for the following:

Depending on the information shared in the re-entry meeting outlined above, a student’s continued enrollment at AIS-R may be dependent on evidence of ongoing treatment from a mental health professional. This requirement will be explained to parents and followed up with a letter from the High School Principal. Evidence of the fulfillment of this requirement may be requested by the High School Principal at any time and will need to be provided to the High School Principal before the beginning of the next school year.  In the event of ongoing treatment, a student of concern may be asked by the respective Grade Level APs that they attend regular after school appointments with the High School Counselor between 3:30 and 4:30.

Emergency Parent Contact

If parents or guardians will be unavailable (i.e. out of town on business or vacation) a completed and signed appointment of guardianship must be provided, in advance, to the High School Office and School Nurse for emergencies. A nanny or family driver is not automatically considered a guardian even in the case of emergencies, unless stated by the parents in writing.

Counseling Services

Students have many opportunities to visit their counselor during breaks, lunch, counseling class and after school. Students may also use their study halls to visit their counselor with permission from the study hall teacher. Student visits to the counselor during instructional time must not exceed 15 minutes. After 15 minutes the Counseling Administrative Assistant will record the visit as an absence from class. This will count towards the total of absences per course per semester. In case of an emergency, the counselor will immediately inform the Principal and the relevant protocol will be followed.