Food Services

ES Snack & Lunch

All ES students need to bring their own healthy snacks for morning snack time.

All children must have their own water bottle and bring this water bottle to the Dining Hall during snack and lunch times.

Hot lunch services are offered for KG2 to Grade 5 students.  A menu is shared at the beginning of each month.

Parents must add funds to their child’s student account to purchase hot lunch.  Funds can be added through the AIS-R Finance Office.  

If a child does not have enough funds in their account, the parents will be notified. If the account exceeds a balance of -100 SAR, the child will no longer be eligible to purchase hot lunch until the account is settled.

Any credit left at the end of the year will roll over to next year for returning students. Withdrawing students may obtain a refund for any leftover funds from the Finance Office at the end of the year. 

Students are supervised in the Dining Hall at all times by elementary school faculty and staff.

Indoor and outdoor hand washing facilities are available. 

Healthy Eating Guidelines for Snacks and Lunches 

Nutritious snacks are essential to keep students’ energy at appropriate levels to keep them satisfied and attentive to the learning tasks.  Sweets and foods with a high level of sugar provide false bursts of energy and may leave students hungry and sometimes irritable. Candy, chocolate, chips, commercially-packaged cookies, and soda pop are prohibited and students will be asked to save these treats for home. As models of healthy living, we ask that only healthy options are packed for your child. 

AIS-R is NOT an allergen-free (nut, milk, wheat, fish, etc.) campus and due to our food suppliers, we cannot guarantee that food prepared in our Dining Halls or food brought to school by students is allergen free.

Disposable Water Bottle Free Campus

As AIS-R continues a genuine commitment to be environmental, alongside our focus on global citizenship through the Council of International Schools, we discourage the use of disposable plastic water bottles. Our state-of-the-art filtered water fountains allow our community to refill reusable bottles or use the drinking spout. The fountains are fully functional and accessible campus wide. Reusable bottles are available for purchase at the Eagle’s Nest store on campus and at many retailers throughout Riyadh. 

Inclement Weather 

At times, weather may require indoor recess and/or indoor PE classes. These weather conditions may include but are not limited to dust storms, poor air quality, lightning, and rain. Should the Director of Facilities, in collaboration with the K-12 Health Office Personnel and Divisional Principals decide indoor recess and/or PE classes is necessary determined by weather reports, RSO recommendation, AIR Visual app, and observations, all teachers will be communicated with accordingly and supervision will be adapted for indoor play. Indoor recess or PE class will only apply to the conditions of the inclement weather.