Student Testimonials


What makes AISL special? Our students say….

“The teachers care about how we are doing both in school and in general. They are caring, and a lot of the teachers remind us very often how much they love us, and how happy we make them.”

Grade 9 Student, United Kingdom, 6 years at AISL

“The thing that makes AISL special is the friendships and teamwork we have with one another.”

Hayden, grade 5, USA, 5 years at AISL

“The support each student gets from their teachers. Teachers will go out of their way to make sure you understand everything they teach you. The AISL Community if very friendly and they accept anyone who comes into their environment. The students are also very friendly.”

Grade 11 Student, Lebanon/France 8 years at AISL

“AISL has a large range of teachers with different personalities. This allows every class to be unique in its own way with different processes, rules and techniques. I like the variations, and it keeps the work and classes interesting. The rotating schedule complements this as well, keeping school days new and engaging.”

Isabella, grade 9, The Netherlands, 2 years at AISL

“The different nationalities that make it one, friendly community. I think we are special because each and every one of us comes from different countries and/or states, so we are all unique. But together, we are one big family.”

Lorenzo, grade 5, Canada/Cameroon, 3 years at AISL

“The people who go to AISL and all the wonderful teachers who push us to exceed.”

Arin, grade 6, South Africa, 4 years at AISL

“The school is well organized.”

Raphaël, grade 7, Belgium, 3 years at AISL

“AISL is special because of its people. The diversity in culture and the sense of comfort and family among so many people is one thing I love.”

Grade 7 Student, India, 4 years at AISL

“What makes AISL special is all of my friends and all of the teachers.”

Joannis-John, grade 8, Indonesia/Greece, 9 years at AISL

“Students in every grade have a friendship group. At least 2 or 3 per grade. However, when we're at a dance, on a school trip/outing, or even some random moment in the week, we all unite into one group. We become friends with people we would normally not hang with or we don't necessarily socialize with. We may stick with our ''squads'', but in the end, we're all one big family.”

Oriane, grade 7, South Africa, 3 years at AISL

“AISL isn't just a school, it is a home to people from all over the world, I think that the exposure to multiple cultures is what makes AISL special!”

Jared, grade 10, South Africa, 4 years at AISL

“The people, the environment and the ways of learning”

Sukoon, grade 6, Canada, 4 years at AISL

“The fact that you can see many people from countries around the world, and learn so much about other cultures firsthand without traveling to different countries.”

Nnamdi, grade 7, Nigeria/USA, 8 years at AISL

“The teachers take time with students and listen to their ideas.”

Noé, grade 7, France, 1 year at AISL

“The opportunity for participation in extracurricular activities and the interactions between teacher and student body are very special at this school.”

Grade 12 Student, USA, 2 years at AISL

“The environment and community that is around us, how even when we come from complete different countries we all unite as one and bond like a family that we are. we treat each other like no other school.”

Nour, grade 6, UK/Nigeria/Lebanon, 3 years at AISL

“AISL is a special place because of all the different types of people. We are all from different places around the world and we get together and become great friends.”

Roy, grade 9, Israel, 7 years at AISL

“The small community that we’ve built up over however many years is what makes this school special. In my opinion, there is no stereotypical status quo in AISL. Unlike most other schools, AISL has an almost family like environment.”

Sara, grade 11, USA/Nigeria, 1 year at AISL

“I think the different people make it special. People can never fail to surprise me here.”

Grade 8 Student, Canada/China, 4 years at AISL

“An environment where teachers are so willing to help, they genuinely want to see you succeed, and the focus is on the learning and not the grade. Also the independence, students create and manage our clubs and activities by ourselves, so there's always something going on.”

Grade 10 Student, Nigeria-Canada, 3 years at AISL

“AISL feels like home away from home.”

Nikhil, grade 10, India, 4 years at AISL

“It’s quality in education.”

Grade 5 Student, India, 4 years at AISL

“To me, the special thing about AIS is the community and how people like working together and having fun.”

Grade 8 Student, USA, 3 years at AISL

“The openness between students and teachers makes AISL really special because teachers trust us with their life stories because it makes learning more fun and we learn really interesting life lessons. It also helps establish a relationship between teachers and students that makes communication easier. We trust teachers and feel like we can talk to them.”

Grade 10 Student, Nigeria, 4 years at AISL

“AISL is special because of how kind and open the teachers and admins are towards students.”

Grade 8 Student, South Africa, 1 year at AISL

“I think the students make AISL special. There's something about meeting different people of different cultures that really motivates me to come to school.”

Nkoli, grade 10, Nigeria/USA/UK, 9 years at AISL

“You get to meet so many different people. Each person has their own personality, culture, ethnicity, goals, likes, dislikes, and getting to know them all is amazing. I'm really glad I go to school here where everyone embraces their differences and still get along so well. AISL also has an "International Day" which is one of my favorite days of the year not because we have no classes but because you see so many people go around and show where they are from and how proud they are to be from there. it's absolutely beautiful and all this is why AISL is special.”

Lara, grade 9 USA/Mexico, 3 years at AISL

“The people and the environment. How diverse our community is and the friendly atmosphere.”

Awele, grade 11, Nigeria, 4 years at AISL

“The quality of teachers.”

Grade 8 Student, USA, 2 years at AISL

“Diversity, learning and I just have a lot of fun.”

Kunal, grade 6, 6 years at AISL

“AISL is special because it has people from so many countries and so different people can meet each other.”

Grade 5 Student, India, 2 years at AISL

“The tight-knit community and welcoming vibe.”

Grade 8 Student, USA, 4 years at AISL

“From the 8 years that I have lived in Nigeria and have been going to AISL, I have collected countless reasons as to why AISL is special, not only to me, but to everyone. However, I will only state a few, as this would be quite long if I didn't. AISL is special because it tries to incorporate it's host country's culture, for example, Nigerian Culture Day, where we have different activities to learn of Nigerian culture, in terms of art, music, story telling. AISL is also extremely welcoming, no one will ever feel like an outsider, because we are a unique blend of many cultures, countries and religions. At first, when one might move to Nigeria, they might immediately go back home. After a month or less, the feeling of being an outsider subsides and one starts getting attached to AISL, and Lagos. The people at AISL make each day a little brighter. By the end of this amazing ride, when one is leaving, it's like a part of you is being left behind. AISL is home away from home, and it shapes us into tomorrow's leaders and the people we are today. I can say that I'm proud to be a part of this community, and AISL will surely have a place in my heart always.”

Srishti, grade 10, India, 8 years at AISL

“Good friends, nice teachers, good education.”

Grade 6 Student, South Korea, 3 years at AISL

“AISL is special because of how much teacher-student attention there is.”

Adrienne, grade 7, USA, 3 years at AISL

“I think the diversity and minimal intergrade negativity is something that makes AISL special. There are few schools that have these traits and I love that.”

Ada-Bih, grade 8, USA/Nigeria, 7 years at AISL

“AISL is a really friendly school. It is also really safe because they have many guards to guard the school.”

Nisa, grade 5, India, 1 year at AISL

“It is a community formed by people from all over the world.”

Tanish, grade 9, India, 1 year at AISL

“The people and community at AISL make it special. It's very diverse and everyone talks to everyone, making it a safe and special place.”

Grade 9 Student, India, 5 years at AISL

“The atmosphere is really friendly.”

Grade 9 Student, USA/Nigeria, 1 years at AISL

“How diverse the students are and how people come and go and it leaves a big impact on student life.”

Grade 9 Student, Indonesia, 4 years at AISL

“The people and teachers here are great.”

Naman, grade 8, india, 8 years at AISL

“It’s fun.Teachers who help and support.”

Harrison, grade 7, USA, 1 year at AISL

“The friends you make are lifelong.Even if they leave and you lose contact, you won't forget them.”

Grade 9, UK, 3 years at AISL

“We get to get our own computers and phones to work and hang around with friends.”

Sagar, grade 9, India, 2 years at AISL

“The spirit.”

Tolu, grade 8, Canada/Nigeria, 3 years at AISL

“The people and the community.”

Grade 10 Student, USA, 1 year at AISL

“The community.”

Grade 9 Student, South Arica, 5 years at AISL

Grade 9 Student, USA, 4 years at AISL

“The people.”

Grade 10 Student, Mexico, 5 years at AISL

Grade 11 Student, India, 2 years at AISL

Grade 9 Student, Nigeria/USA, 9 years at AISL

“The diversity”

Adithya, grade 11, India, 4 years at AISL

Shradha, grade 9, India 5 years at AISL

Zahra, grade 11, South Africa, 3 years at AISL

Funto, grade 12, Nigeria, 3 years at AISL

“AISL is a place with an outstanding curriculum. It accepts every unique culture.”

Anoushka, grade 6, India, 1 year at AISL